NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT. NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL. Dear This is a NOTICE of conditional acceptance, a LAWFUL document, please read it in its entirety and respond to EACH of the numbered points below in substance (which means to respond to each numbered point individually and by fully addressing the serious points made herein). Failure to rebut all/any of the lawful points numbered herein in substance or otherwise within 28 days of receipt of this lawful Notice of conditional acceptance, will be deemed to mean that all points that are expressed herein are true and agreed upon by all parties concerned, and that any further action taken against myself/legal person will be considered unlawful harassment and you shall accept and incur liability for any breach of my fee schedule. Any reply given must be made upon oath or attestation and on your full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. 1.) Whereas in your letter dated xxxxxxxxxxxx you make the claim in response to my challenge of jurisdiction, within a lawful Notice that I served on you on the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that, “ The court has jurisdiction to deal with these matters ” (with regard to alleged traffic offences). I conditionally accept your understanding on proof of claim that the xxxxxxxxxxxxx magistrates court is indeed a common law jurisdiction. 2.) Whereas it is to my lawful understanding that the (alleged) xxxxxxxxxxxx magistrates court plc is in fact a corporate enterprise (as can be evidenced by checking the web site Dunne & Bradstreet) and, that in your letter dated xxxxxxxxxxxxx you made the claim that “ The court does not need a contract with you to deal with these matters.” I conditionally accept that the (alleged) xxxxxxxxxx magistrates “court does not need a contract with me to deal with these matters” on proof of claim that the matters in question can be dealt with by an administrative hearing in the Admiralty Courts. -(enter personal details)- All -- points are required to be answered in full and on your full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and, within 28 days of your receipt of this Notice of conditional acceptance. In the event that all of my 12 claims above are proven to be incorrect, I shall accept that the (alleged) Chippenham magistrates court/crown does have jurisdiction, and in the event of that proof being provided I shall comply with the demands or rulings under that jurisdiction. I , do hereby solemnly swear attest and affirm, that this notice of conditional acceptance, represents my lawful truth and understandings, and my conditional acceptance, on proof of claim that the twelve (12) numbered contested claims herein are fully evidenced to be false. Signature: Witnessed by: Date. With all my natural unalienable rights intact and on full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. (Maxim in law- ALL law has either been derived from the consent of the people, . established by necessity, confirmed by custom, or of divine providence).
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:48:23 +0000

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