NOW THAT HARRY REID CANT BLOCK IT...LETS MOVE ON THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE IMPOSTER/SQUATTER IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!! FINALLY, enough Americans actually woke up, and enough other Americans stayed away, that we finally were able to give democrats the sort of smack down they have so richly deserved for such a long time!!!!!!!!!! The results of Tuesday’s election returned a wave of GOP candidates to Congress, expanding the House Republican contingent to historic levels and handing the Senate back to the GOP. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid got an overdue “YOURE FIRED!!!” from the American public, clearing the way for a Congress that can get things done, so long as it has the POLITICAL WILL (READ: BALLS) to do so!!! The irony of this election, of course, is that OBASTARD has spent so much time blaming Republicans for blocking him in Congress, when the BIGGEST OBSTRUCTION to legislation has been Reid. Without Reid to run defense for him, OBASTARD is going to have to take it upon himself to either confront the GOP or work with them. Since he is PSYCHOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of WORKING WITH OTHER PEOPLE AS EQUALS, discussing ideas in a non-ideological way and reaching a compromise, he will continue to be at loggerheads with Conservatives and to blame them for HIS FAILED POLICIES!!!!! That’s why NOW IS THE TIME for Republicans to seize the initiative and put a stop to the OBASTARD REGIME once and for all, NOT TO WORK WITH HIM!!!!! Over the past six years, OBASTARD has dragged this country down. The economy continues to wallow in joblessness and government excess. This would be president’s administration has LIED & LIED & LIED to the public about economic recovery, and dozens of other things!!!!! Despite rosy numbers churned out by the White House MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA, the reality of poverty and a society on the brink of financial collapse is visible in the streets, in the shopping malls, at the nation’s food pantries and in the empty businesses and homes in cities like Detroit and Los Angeles, and small towns in places like California’s San Joaquin Valley, once the world’s bread basket, now just a basket case filled with farms where nothing is grown!!!!! This would be president has gotten away with SCANDAL after SCANDAL that would have had democrats howling for a GOP president’s blood!!! NSA spying. IRS intimidation. DOJ racism. Fast and Furious. Benghazi. The Arab Spring. The Iraq retreat. The arming of ISIS....and MANY OTHERS!!!!! And those are just a few of the most current ones!!! Most EGREGIOUS of all, however, has been OBASTARDS USURPATION of CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORITY and VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL SEPARATION OF POWERS!!!!!!!!!! Up till now, the congressional GOP delegation has done little or nothing to stop OBASTARD beyond the occasional stymie of some legislation. House Speaker John Boehner (READ: MR. NO BALLS) threatened to sue OBASTARD, but the public has yet to see any action on that front. The whole logic behind suing OBASTARD in the first place had been that because of Reid’s lockdown of the Senate, any efforts to investigate or rebuke OBASTARD were blocked. NOW THAT OBSTRUCTION OF A ROAD BLOCK IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here is the moment. ITS TIME to bring OBASTARD up on IMPEACHMENT CHARGES, AND THEN TRY HIM IN THE SENATE!!!!! But SOME CONSERVATIVES WHO LACK A BACKBONE, fear impeachment would bring everything crashing down on the GOP. There’s no doubt the media and the democrats would try to play the race card and claim obstructionism and everything under the sun!!! But the TRUTH IS WITH the GOP, and THE PUBLIC IS FINALLY PRIMED TO HEAR IT!!!!! Those same Conservatives who fear impeachment claim it would only distract from the many OBASTARD scandals that are finally being covered by some of the media. AS FOR ME... impeachment proceedings would only AMPLIFY THE SCANDALS, because they would supply the meat of impeachment charges!!!!! Rather than hanging back and waiting for OBASTARD to self-destruct further, Republicans need to show the Country that THEY CAN STAND FOR THE RULE OF LAW and still get the day-to-day business accomplished!!! MOST IMPORTANTLY...THEY NEED TO PULL THE COVER OFF THE RATS NEST of the OBASTARD administration...SHOWING IT TO THE WORLD SO CLEARLY AND UNDENIABLE THAT THE AMJERICAN PEOPLE CANT HELP BUT AGREE THAT OBASTARD AND HIS CRIMINAL COHORTS HAVE GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That may be a tall order, HOWEVER...IT IS DOABLE!!!!! FORTUNE DOES FAVOR THE BRAVE...AND SLIDES AWAY FROM THE TIMID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the Congress can’t find HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS IN OBASTARDS SCANDALS.....THEYRE JUST NOT TRYING!!!!!!!!!!! The mood of the country is with the GOP. Not only the election but recent polls show that a majority of Americans is dissatisfied with this administration, and with the GOP back in charge of Congress, it’s time to show Mr. and Mrs. America what’s REALLY BEEN GOING ON...AND WHAT THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA HAVE BEEN HIDING!!!!! And it can’t happen too soon. OBASTARD held off on his AMNESTY until after the election because he didn’t want to make things worse for democrats. But now he’s poised to ILLEGALLY GRANT presidential amnesty to some 16 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS, a population that’s BIGGER THAN A DOZEN OR SO OF OUR SMALLER STATES!!!!! THE TIME TO STOP HIM IS NOW.....BEFORE HE IRREVOCABLY CHANGES AMERICA!!!!! Congress... WE THE PEOPLE DIDNT elect you to go to Washington and WORK WITH A TERRORIST-SYMPATHIZING...FREEDOM-HATING SOCIALIST/MARXIST REGIME!!!!! WE VOTED YOU INTO OFFICE TO TAKE DOWN A DICTATOR AND SELF-MADE...would be KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN UP CONGRESS.....WE VOTED YOU IN.....WE CAN ALSO REMOVE YOU!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:45:48 +0000

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