NPP SOLIDARITY MESSAGE THE PRESIDENT, THE VICE PRESIDENT, FORMER PRESIDENT, CHAIRMAN, GENERALSECRETARY, NANANOM, DIPLOMATIC COMMUNITY AND ALL OTHER PROTOCOLS OBSERVED. I bring you fraternal greetings from the next president of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, National Chairman Mr. Paul Afoko and the general membership of the NPP. The NPP and NDC are the two political parties that have had the opportunity to govern Ghana since the inception of the 4th Republic and in all probability; this situation is likely to prevail into the near future. It therefore goes without saying that the level and quality of discourse and interaction between the two parties in particular, and with other political parties in general should be guided by a deep sense of maturity and nationalism. Sadly, to the contrary, recent happenings in the country have brought about despair, despondency and with it a crisis of confidence in politicians and political authority. Our media landscape has been inundated with the use of intemperate language, propaganda, insults, and pure lies which only serve to poison the political atmosphere. We cannot continue down this road and scare good people away from the opportunity to serve our country in dignity. As politicians, we have a duty to lead by example by upholding and respecting the virtues and values of society. Tolerance, decency and discipline must guide the way we interact with each-other. As leaders, we have to blaze a path worth emulating by celebrating our diversity, restoring hope and also demonstrating a high sense of maturity in order to restore the confidence and trust the good people of our dear nation must have in democratic governance. Needless propaganda As you have your conference today, we of the NPP hope you will elect a leadership that will ensure that the discourse between our two political parties will be elevated beyond needless propaganda, outright lies, pure insults and total disrespect, and rather hold aloft the beauty of our Ghanaian cultural values that put premium on decency,respect,truth and fellow-feeling. Politics is a serious enterprise, the center-piece of which should be the welfare of the under-privileged. We cannot afford to expend our energies over trivialities that have absolutely no bearing on the socio-economic well-being of our citizens. Failed promises It is with a heavy heart that I stand here before you. At the beginning of this year, the president H.E John Dramani Mahama assured all Ghanaians that 2014 was going to be a “TRANSFORMATIONAL YEAR”. However, events over the past 12 months have paralyzed businesses, caused pain, depression and general despondency. The results of recent AFROBAROMETER survey graphically illustrate/confirm the level of degeneration. The bedrock of political leadership Political leadership must been seen as a privilege to serve society. Indeed, political leadership has to be anchored on pillars of SELFLESSNESS, SACRIFICE and SERVICE”. What Ghana needs now is a political leadership that is COURAGEOUS, COMPETENT and COMPASIONATE. What we require now is less talk and more action. The re-orientation of the political class and the populace at large must be our top-most priority. We need to revive the spirit of love for our country. The current waste of our nation’s meager resources must be checked in other to ensure that every pesewa is well-utilized for the benefit of the ordinary Ghanaian. Election 2016 and beyond In our common objective to ensure a smooth electoral process in 2016 and beyond, we call on the NDC to support the NPP in the drive to get a FRESH and MORE CREDIBLE VOTERS’ REGISTER so we can be guaranteed a sane political environment, ONE GHANA AND SECURING OUR COMMON FUTURE. In conclusion On behalf of my Chairman, Presidential candidate, Elders and entire NPP family, we wish you a successful election. 2016……AKYI AYYA!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE ATTENTION AND MAY GOD BLESS US ALL. By Kwabena Agyepong, NPP GS
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:04:34 +0000

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