#NUTSHELL – APRIL 5th — LOVE THE UNLOVELY – John 15:1-12: - TopicsExpress


#NUTSHELL – APRIL 5th — LOVE THE UNLOVELY – John 15:1-12: Our days are filled with challenges and tough times. Some of those times can be much more difficult because of our response to them. Instead of accepting the fact that difficulties would arise in our lives because we are human beings living in an imperfect world, we can choose to become angry. Whatever your situation may be- broken home, divorce, illness, loss of job, legal trouble you name it, your attitude makes the difference. These tough times are not fair! I didn’t ask for them and I certainly don’t deserve them. If God is going to allow them to happen, then I am simply going to do whatever I want with my life. I have put up with enough. I deserve to be rebellious and angry. Can you relate to any of these reactions? It may be a long difficult road to travel, but you can come out on the other side of those negative thinking patterns of living. Look back over those difficult times and I hope you can see one reoccurring truth painted over those dark steps of your journey – God loves you. He did not turn His back on you even when you became distant to Him. He may not be supportive of the bad choices or attitudes we choose, but He never withdraws His love from you. How do you know that? Because of who He is, Jesus said, “That He would never leave your or forsake you and for you to cast your cares upon Him.” God loves you with a great passion. That is the foundation of His commandment to you in John 15:12. He says to love those around you as He has loved you. That means to love your friends and family even when they have done nothing to deserve it. Why? Because that is what God has done for you. Don’t repay enemies with evil. Instead, love them as Jesus would love them. Right now, choose one person whom you will show overwhelming love to today. Now go and love them!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 11:01:45 +0000

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