Untitled Schindlers List Fan Fiction Excerpt Oskars *Point of - TopicsExpress


Untitled Schindlers List Fan Fiction Excerpt Oskars *Point of View* The unthinkable had happened. The entire population of the city were summoned to a meeting, at the grand hall in the centre of the city. Attendance was compulsory – even for schoolchildren. When we arrived, there were rows of soldiers standing at the front of the room. They were standing at attention. There was a huge bright red flag with an enormous white circle and a black cross that looked a bit like a four legged spider. There was a small row of seats behind a lectern on a stage. Between the stage and the soldiers was a row of people at desks. The soldiers called 20 of us forward at a time. They asked us all sorts of questions. If the answers were satisfactory we were given work permits if they werent, the people concerned had a yellow star pasted on their clothing and were given a number... they were issued with different work permits Once they had processed everyone they told us to sit down on the seats provided. When the regime leader – who we were to address as Herr Diktator only) came out, he started raving about how people had to be classed. He was rather short and paunchy, he had thick dark brown hair small brown eyes with a hint of green and that were quite close together and a small square moustache. When he spoke, his voice was loud and clear but he had a tendency to rant and rave. In this case he ranted about the people that he tabooed and their immediate segregation and extinction. My good friend Itzhak Stern was in the seat to my immediate left. He looked petrified, he was staring straight ahead… my other very good friend, Amon Goeth was in the seat on my immediate right. Poor Amon was terribly upset by Herr Diktators ramblings. He looked terrible, he was pale and shaking and he looked like he was about to throw up or faint. Sweat was rolling in beads off his forehead. He was short of breath and almost crying. I began to rub his back soothingly, using a circular motion… when the meeting was over and we were dismissed, Amon ran outside and threw up repeatedly into the gutter. Once he was done throwing up, I went to a nearby shop and got a bottle of water for him… Oskar… theyre terrible he wailed, still shaking, taking some small sips of water and clearing off the gutter with the rest of the bottleI know Amon I know I replied soothingly. We have to get out of here before things get any worse! Itzhak had fled, taking his brothers with him. They hid in the bushes nearby. I sensed the footsteps of the soldiers approaching us before I heard them. Amon took a deep calming breath and got to his feet. Having better eyesight than me meant that he could see who was coming before they arrived. I think we should talk about this later Oskar he said and I nodded. A hand grabbed Amons shoulder and spun him around… it was his brother, Rolf. Standing next to him, was my brother Hermann Rolf Goeth you are enough to make a saint swear Amon muttered What a wonderful sentiment Amon, care to share it with the world? Rolf sneered Well, you know Rolf not everyone can be an all around Regime supporting little suck up like you. That really takes time, talent and energy to pull off… he began bravely I blanched knowing Amon was in trouble if he spoke his mind and I knew he would… we had been very close friends from the age of 9. Amon has shoulder-length dark brown hair and brown eyes. Hes tall and muscular but he doesnt have good coordination. Oh really? said Rolf in a falsely jovial tone. Yes of course. Mind you, I personally do not enjoy kissing backside like you do, nor do I enjoy licking Herr Diktators boots either. Then again however – that is not the only service you provide Herr Diktator with, is it? Amon replied with a sneer… Go on… said Rolf. I could feel the waves of anger rolling off him now. I would even go so far as to say that you are such a perfect little sycophant that you might even consider degrading yourself and sacrificing your dignity by dressing up in drag and dancing for your Superior Officers should Herr Diktator ask you to. Rolf struck Amon harshly across the face. I realise of course Amon continued dangerously that you have not yet realised just exactly what kind of perfect hypocrite your boss really is. See, by the standards of his own propaganda, sooner or later, he will have to execute himself because he has BROWN hair, BROWN eyes and he was born in Vienna… his perfect race are supposedly blond haired, blue eyed and native… he is an example of his own taboos. He was born in Salzburg idiot Hermann snarled That is besides the point Hermann Rolf replied in an equal snarl. You know the rules… Hermann nodded and pulled me a few feet away from Amon. You believe in this… madman dont you Hermann? Youve been suckered in by his propaganda I askedHerr Diktator is good to us Hermann replied Yet you cant see how horribly reprehensible his actions are, can you? RESPECT IS UTTERLY DEMANDED. INSUBORDINATION WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Hermann replied kicking me heavily in the stomach with his SS issued steel toe-capped boots… he punched me in the face and broke my nose… he threw me to the ground and spat on me. He started stamping on and kicking me until Rolf blew his whistle and they marched away, stepping on my head and shoving my face into the mud… Rolf had done something worse to Amon. Itzhak was hiding round the corner. He came back with Eli and Ishmael – his brothers. Eli was nineteen and Ishmael twenty six. Ishmael was already a doctor and Eli was his apprentice. Itzhak – who was in training to become a paramedic came to me and helped me roll onto my back – carefully. He helped me sit up… Ishmael examined me and said youll be sore tomorrow Oskar… I dont think you have broken anything but I cant be sure. I would need to see x-rays. We will go to my office once I check on Amon.I was worried… Amon hadnt moved since he had been beaten. Ishmael carefully examined Amons spine from his neck to just above his buttocks and then rolled him onto his back. He had fainted after the beating. Ishmael pulled smelling salts from his bag and wafted them under Amons nose… he woke up slowly. Ishmael told him the same thing he told me. He then went and got his car and brought it round so he could take us home. The moment we got to our apartment building, we scurried inside and went upstairs to Itzhaks apartment. We locked the door went into one room and barricaded ourselves in… We need to get out of here and very quickly… Youre right. We began making lists of things that we needed to do, provisions to make, items to gather and people to talk to. I went home with Amon, just to make sure he was ok. I think he was still in shock about his brother beating the hell out of him. When we got inside Mrs Goeth made us sandwiches… while I sorted out Amons clothing and shoes, Amon had a long talk with his mother. When I had finished packing for Amon, we went to my parents house and we went through the same ritual. I talked to my mother while Amon packed. A little bit later we heard footsteps in the corridor. Eli – as lookout spied to see who was coming Rolf is home he hissed in a terrified voice… We headed back to Amons. Eli slipped inside unnoticed while Rolf was in the shower… he grabbed Amons bag and took it home with him. We would be leaving from the Sterns the next morning. We slipped over there… mother came over with Mrs Goeth some time later. We spent an uneasy and restless night there. Early next morning, Mrs Goeth went back to her apartment to shower and get changed. Amon and I went with her – as her guards. When she came out of the shower… Rolf was waiting for her… we thought he was at work – he had however been in his bedroom biding his time… He dragged her by the hair through to the living room and started smacking her around… Amon stepped between them and took the beating for his mother… Rolf was so angry that he left for work early. He will be back early warned Mrs Goeth go quickly and do what you must and then come straight back Amon and I went with the Sterns to Ishmaels surgery… only to find that it had been burned down. We went to the train station to book the tickets for our journey. When we had finished we went to get some food for the journey and went back home. Just as we got all of our bags loaded into the car (which was the next phase of the plan) loud angry footsteps came toward us. Its Rolf said Eli Mother was right hes home early. We need to go upstairs and warn heryou go on inside Ill stay here and stall himIll help you Amon and Itzhak went upstairs; I waited outside with Eli while Ishmael hid in the corridor. I had some treacle toffee in my pocket… my mother made it the night before and wrapped each piece up individually then I remembered something Hello Rolf, would you like a piece of treacle toffee? My mother made it last night so its still nice and soft I know its your favouritethank you Oskar he said unwrapping the toffee and slipping it into his mouth. I showed Rolf a picture of us from when we were younger Do you remember when this was taken? Oh yes, I remember this… he said this was in my last year at school He chuckled and then he stopped… Life was very different back then – it was a different time Oskar… thank you for sharing the memory with me… I have business I need to attend to… excuse me He turned on his heel and headed inside I could hear his boots on the steps... Eli and I followed him… we heard screaming and yelling and then one very loud, and very final scream and then Amon yelled ISHMAEL HELP! we raced upstairs… Mrs Goeth was lying in the hallway in a pool of her own blood… Rolf stood looking down at her… he saw us and fled immediately. Mrs Goeth was barely alive… Boys…you need to go… She faded out of consciousness and stopped breathing… Amon fell to his knees next to her… We need to goAmon… He couldnt answer… I knelt next to him and whispered Amon we cant do anything to help her now… we have to go… come on, if any members of The Regime find us we are toast! Amon did not want to move or maybe he couldnt, so I bundled him up in a quilt and carried him. An S.S. guard stopped us… Who or what is in your bundlemy best friend… he hurt his ankle and he couldnt walk and its cold.Very well We flew towards Ishmaels car and squashed inside. The S.S. chased us to the train station… I could feel Amon shaking on my lap. All right Oskar when weve got everything and everyone out of the car pull the pin out and leave the grenade on the back seat. The journey had only just begun… End of extract 2000 words
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 10:51:53 +0000

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