#NUTSHELL – AUGUST 19th — HIS LOVE…PERFECT – 1 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


#NUTSHELL – AUGUST 19th — HIS LOVE…PERFECT – 1 Corinthians 13:8-10: I had to work on a project, I had one goal to accomplish and I found that planning the work in stages was the best way to tackle the job. Most people go into a project with some idea of how it is going to end. If you start at point A and want to get to point C, then point B becomes very important, it becomes the vehicle that will carry you to the goal; Point B defines the whole thing. Point A in this particular case is the gifts of the Spirit. Point C is the edification or building up of the body of Christ, His church. Point B is God, God’s love, the love He has for us and wants us to show one another, is how we build up the church, or how we get from Point A to Point C. Point B is the most important of all! This is true because according to 1 Corinthians 13:8-10, everything else will fall away. Prophecies will eventually be useless, because there will be nothing left to prophesy about. Tongues will be silenced and getting more knowledge will become unnecessary, because we’ll know all there is to know at the end of time. Love though will remain, because God is love. Therefore, love is not only the bridge between our talents and the edification of the church, but it is also the goal. The goal never was about the gifts; the goal is God and building the church in order to bring glory to Him. What is your goal within the church? You might have many goals for your church but your first priority should be to use your talents to bring glory to God. Why is it that when we deal with our brothers and sisters within the church we can forget that God is love? Dealing with so many different personalities and opinions can wear on us if we let it. Remember as you use your gifts for God as you interact with others—God is love—and it is up to you to believe this and forge ahead. Ask yourself this question: am I helping or hindering the growth of the church? How could God’s perfect love change me and my church?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:01:20 +0000

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