~ Najib should resign instantaniously, together with his - TopicsExpress


~ Najib should resign instantaniously, together with his cabinet~ Seriously, Najib has to throw his towel as the political situation of the country is insufferably unsound. The PM has to be realistically alerted that he is not able to manage this country any longer and must admit that no one within his cabinet is feasible enough to take on the mantle. Not Muhyiddin, not anyone within the UMNO Vice Presidents or none among the supreme council members can fit in to the job of reforming the nation anew. The nation is at the point of destruction. Without swift and instantaneous actions of the current leaders, the government will plunge into the worst and distressing experience that the nation has never come across in almost six decade of independence. As I have strongly suggested in my last posting, the current set of government leaders, must go without hesitation as that is the only manner for them to grant the nation an excellent favor. Let us not go back to write reasons or even excuses for the needed change, as there is no more time for debate and public polemics. The time has come for every one to agree that this nation must set new and innovative political reconstructions. Najib and the prevailing set of Cabinet Ministers and party supreme council members (UMNO) are unfit to formulate and initiate the changes we are dreadfully in need. They are first-rate and unmatched in flouting, breaking up and fragmenting the country as they do not have even the clue as how to manage a nation, that has been mandated to them (UMNO/BN) to govern in every general election since independence. It is impossible for the current leaders in the government to resolve this acute political situation as asking them to fix back the harms will only create more ills and tribulations to the nation. Najib has to be courageous and decisive to renounce his powers not to anyone within his leadership lineup but to someone who is outside the party leadership lineup and who has excellent testimonials in managing governments and the people. Usually the outstanding leaders are never in the government as they wouldn’t allow themselves to be associated within the corrupt and counterfeit leaders in the government. In reality Najib is a failed leader just like the ones who impregnate the UMNO supreme council with weak, bogus and deceitful personalities who claim and act to be like leaders. Hence we now observe with clarity that we have lost count on the numerous scandals that surface one after another. aspanaliasnet.blogspot/2013/11/najib-should-instataniously-resign-and.html
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:39:57 +0000

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