Nakuru News Network shares this article about being a frontier - TopicsExpress


Nakuru News Network shares this article about being a frontier thinker. A new frontier thinking is the ability to look at a cow and not only see meat but also be able to see milk, because while dealing with a cow from a meat perspective, you will eat that meat only once, but if you dare see milk when you look at the cow, you can enjoy the milk for many years to come. This type of thinking is about focusing on the real potential of something rather that its current surface value, new frontier thinkers dig deeper, they go further and they trade where angels fear to try. This got me thinking about two artists who are endorsing top brands in the world. The first is Beyonce. Beyonce was hired by Pepsi Cola to become their brand ambassador at a fee of 50 million dollars, in Kenyan money that is an average of four Billion and three hundred millions. That’s a lot of money to be paid in only one year! She was paid one off cheque by Pepsi to endorse their brand. The second artist is Sean Combs, aka Puff Daddy aka P Diddy. Diddy was approached by Diageo, the parent company of East African Breweries Ltd to to endorse their vodka brand that was so much struggling in the US Market, which they thought to get a foothold in the market, they needed a celebrity endorsement. Diageo approached Diddy with an offer that he turned down saying he was not interested in one off cheque endorsement deal. Instead, he proposed that they do profit sharing on every sales made after this endorsement. Diageo had no choice but to bow to Diddy’s request. Last year, P.Diddy became the first hop hop artist in history to be worth a Billion US dollars, not from music sales or production sales but from his new frontier mentality. Had Beyonce gone the same way as Diddy, she possibly could be worth more that Diddy. Anway, think about the two artists and tell me who the new frontier thinker is. Diddy in years to come, he will still be benefiting from the profit sharing deal, his children and grandchildren will be stakeholders in Diageo. Now look, the point of this is to start thing a mile further, thinking deep. Be able to look a tree and see timber when what the rest of the world is seeing is firewood.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:49:22 +0000

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