Namaste and Happy Harvest Moon! What a wonderful time of year - TopicsExpress


Namaste and Happy Harvest Moon! What a wonderful time of year this is. Not too hot, not too cold, but just enough difference to remind us that the seasons are about to change. There is a growth that is available to all of us as we start each day anew. Emotions are increasing. The past is creeping up from the depths where we’ve buried it for us to face once and for all. Our short-comings are testing our spirits. So much is happening in the world right now it’s hard to keep up, let alone do the work we’re all called to do. But it can be done. Small shifts here and there in how we perceive things and watching the energies we release can and will make all the difference. What is your life teaching you right now? We are going to hear from the Tarot of the Spirit World again today. Two of Chalices – “In love and business everything must often be put on the line.” A challenge must be faced. Whether it is in love or where you work, if you do not face the challenges head on, there is absolutely no way that things will move forward for you and all of those involved. Take a risk! Speak your truth. Know that no matter what happens as long as you’re coming from a place of truth, honesty, integrity, and humility that you will move forward as you’re supposed to. It may not be met well, but there will be a purpose that will present itself. Six of Wands – “Defeat is not always a loss. Sometimes it is an unhoped-for salvation.” You may be thinking that right now you’ve lost everything. Take a look around. What were you able to avoid? What were you able to learn? What was prevented from happening because you didn’t “win”. If you’re running late for work, did you miss an accident that you might have been involved in? If you get fired from a job you dislike, a new door opens to something that you’ve been hoping for. There is a counteraction or simply a reaction to every action in life. Does it or will it present itself immediately? Sometimes we will see instant change in the movement forward. But not always. If you look at each moment and situation as a gift or learning tool, you will never lose. Even in those times when you feel that you have lost it all. Whatever the situation may be, if you are at odds with the situation, look at the whole. If you’ve expressed your truth, done the work, and put your all into it, have you truly failed? Five of Wands – “Every passion holds a series of contradictions that must coexist.” The creative force that drives you doesn’t always resonate with others. There are times that your passion doesn’t resonate with where you are. Then there are other times when you are in the flow of everything. There will always be an opportunity that your passion will be tested. If you give up before it’s time, you won’t know if your efforts were truly worth it. So go for it! The Hanged Man – “Doubt feeds the thirst for knowledge. Attaining knowledge means sacrifice and torment. Someone who is hanged is better off than someone who has nothing to hang on to.” What is your rope made of? Is it made of doubts, threatening to snap before you have the chance to succeed? Or is it made of hope and holding you strong as you quench the thirst for knowledge? This is a bit contradictory to the message. However, if you seek truth, that will drive you to that truth. If you speak truth, it will assist those in search of your truth. They may not realize it, you may not even realize it, but as you go through life, you are meant to help and be helped. The sacrifice and torment comes along in the forms of moving outside your comfort zone and doing the things that might be uncomfortable. They may be a bit painful as you speak truths that have been buried, but if you are already at rock bottom in your spirit, what else do you have to lose? That is a loaded gun question, but think about it. You may be lead in life to do things that go against the grain and will find yourself tormented for following your own path. You may have people in your life that you have to release because they are holding the ropes that are continuing you to hang in your own imbalance. Are you holding yourself up with strength or being suspended in the air with your dreams out of reach because others are holding you back? And are THEY holding you back, or holding you where you ARE? Four of Wands – “A weary spirit must not prevent us from welcoming unexpected help.” We’ve learned throughout the course of our life that we have it in us to survive. It is a natural instinct that many of us have forgotten. We get so caught up in our own stories or our own fears and doubts that we weaken our ability to seek help, help ourselves, or even know that we can. If someone offers you help, you may look at it this way… maybe they were sent to you as an answer to the very prayers you offered. If you turn your back on them, how else can you regain your strength to continue your quest for knowledge in this world? Six of Pentacles – “Learning cannot be complete if the student does not value the teacher.” We have many teachers in this life. Most of them are teaching us how we DON’T want to live. We are learning about experiences that we choose not to have again. No matter the person, no matter the situation, be sure to value every experience as a learning tool. Take the charge of emotions off and move beyond it. Value the lesson. Take accountability for your actions, words and thoughts. In many instances all of us may find that we were the baseline reason for our own misery. It’s easy to blame the “teacher” who’s been placed in our lives to teach us the lesson. It’s difficult to accept the lesson and not get caught up in ego or anger. Ask yourself next time you’re in a disagreement with someone how you are playing your part in the story of the argument. Have you attempted to shift your own perception and take a look at it from the outside? As you move forward in your life, you may have come from a very poor family. And now, you are well accomplished. Do you remember those who helped you get there? Do you acknowledge the gifts you’ve received from them through the lessons and wisdom they shared? Or have you gotten so caught up in your “fortunes” that they are not important? Knave of Swords – “A gesture of help can be a revelation. Observe the gesture and not the person carrying it out.” Our apparent worst enemies can offer the most help. We live in a society that is quick to judge based on appearance and past experiences. At that point, we are closed off to the potential help they can offer us. On the card face is a man climbing a steep cliff. A sword juts out and is the only thing to grab onto. The man knows he will be hurt by taking hold of the blade, but he will also be able to move upwards to his final destination. He can choose to bleed a little and make it or fall and end his journey. Once he is beyond the cliff facing and the wound on his hand, he will have discovered the help he received. Just as we have scars on our hearts and bodies, we have other ways to remind us of where we’ve been and how we got here. The journey is hardly easy. But each accomplishment, each time we remain humble and open to the experience, each time we are grateful for our lessons, we are reminded of the potential gifts of tomorrow. Open each gift one precious moment at a time. Je Vous Aime Tous! ~White Raven~
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:51:28 +0000

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