Nature and cosmos is simple, I think we have made it complex in - TopicsExpress


Nature and cosmos is simple, I think we have made it complex in our quest to conquer it in mathematical equations. Nature’s basic quality is flow and motion driven by a principle to seek equilibrium. But by design it appears that this equilibrium is denied. Thus water vapor condenses into water and falls to form rivers that flows to reach the ocean only to get vaporized and fall back in eternally in cycles. In simplicity we can visualize it in terms of two forces represented by arrows in opposite direction that give way to one another. Another possible representation of the same is to visualize a centripetal force giving way to centrifugal force. A third and most correct way is to visualize it as a pulsation of heart a double pump . In other words a dimensionless compression and expansion in three dimensional space. An important point one should note is that is that these opposing forces cannot be equal, for equal and opposite cancels or creates equilibrium or death. This means they can only exist as ratio. To understand nature’s secret, let us make a thought experiment including time factor that is by shrinking or expanding. Here we can do it slowly or in one shot. In both cases we end in a point, where theses forces are not separable and gives way to one another. This is also true when we expand to limit. In the above three cases, we are possibly seeing Newtonian, Einsteinian and Quantum Mechanical world view where we humans are not separable from the experiment and that our mind is key. The ball that father of Science Galileo lifted to the top of the slanted table would not have gone there without Galileo. The Big Bang origin of space-time net from a point [ 0] that Einstein’s thought process created could not have been possible unless everything was once stretched and taken to the top position. In short a centrifugal force had not worked to lift everything to position 1. The third visualization is little complex for it is dimensionless. This actually describes nature and is more sensible and includes of all conceptual developments in science. The heart is only instrument working as double pump sustaining the whole system. It simultaneously creates a flow towards the center and away from it. The life is not beyond time. It has parallel worlds; male and female. It originates from two points. It is information unfolding from two points which are one. One is contributed by the male world and other by the female. These point later separates creating its own images creating many world out of two. Universe that we try to comprehend can only be understood by visualizing it as living being as ancient east understood. It is both Big Bang and also Ekpyrotic [since there is phase here when the masculine pierces the feminine and exist as recessive force or in creation phase]. Universe needs to understood as information or consciousness and intelligence unfolding to self sustain it self. scribd/doc/240591272/Secret-of-Quantum-Particle-and-Its-Motion-Cosmological-Truth
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:51:48 +0000

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