Never make the mistake of thinking that you’re too old for - TopicsExpress


Never make the mistake of thinking that you’re too old for anything. My own life didn’t begin to have meaning until I was in my twenty –one years old. At age 21, I started publishing club on a very small scale.At 21 I ventured into the word of NLP, taking classes and overcoming my fear of them. At 21, I think I will make my garden and have become an avid organic gardener who grows her own food in Bac Giang province. At 21, I enrolled in a children’s art class. A few days later, I totally changed my handwriting – I became inspired by teacher Nguyen Trong Vo, who said “ your handwriting can change your life”. At 21, I prepare graduates in my university and I am always bring my desire. I want to study in America. I want to help all of the people in the word, special the poor because they are piteous. A few years ago, I want to build a center for vegetable production in my home town. I think fresh vegetable is so important to good health. Many people don’t worry about vegetable everyday. I realize that I need your help.and I still can teach English, skill for all of you. Now I need to learn so more, I decided to stretch myself in areas that scare me. I took up great leaders. Now I’m taking several classes a week, and I’m fulfilling my childhood dream of learning to manage. I love to learn things I haven’t experienced. Who knows what I’ll do in the future? What I do know is that I’LL BE DOING MY AFFIRMATIONS AND EXPRESSING NEW CREATIVITY UNTIL THE DAY I LEAVE THIS PLANET. If there’s a particular project you want to work on, or if you just want to be more creative in general. You must to to take prompt action. Use them joyously as you release your creativity in a million and one different projcects. Many friends complaint that learning English is too difficult. I don’t think about it. Because I think all reason is sophisticated. My self is lazy and I know, I try my best everyday for I change it. Change your thinking and you’ll change your life. You will become what you think about. When I was young, I was born extremely confident. I came into this word knowing how wonderful you are. Iam fortunate, maybe I have a very happy family than my friend. I knew I was the center of the Universe. I am afraid to ask for what I want I freely expressed my emotions. My mother knew when I was angry. In fact, the entire neighborhood knew it. When I was happy, my smile lit up the whole room. I was so full of love and confidence. Until I I failed in love and learning to college freshman, I realize I have guilt, shame, comparisons. Once more, my family help me, and I always get scholarship from universities and teaching English for everyone. This is Thats what I never thought. Until now I still want to thank all my teachers and my friends, who are great people. These thoughts I share my diary for all of my friend._ and right now iam reading think and grow rich I understand: “become aware of the beliefs that my be blocking the flow of money in your life. Then change those beliefs and begin to create new, abundant thinking. Even if no one else in your family has done this, you can open your mind to the concept of money flowing into your life. Now, I can do it, you can do it, all of you can do it. __my diary for twenty one years old__
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:17:42 +0000

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