New Moon Solar Eclipse 2014 Thursday, 23 October, 2014 - TopicsExpress


New Moon Solar Eclipse 2014 Thursday, 23 October, 2014 soulsticerising/newsletter.asp?NID=180 Whoa! This is one powerful New Moon Eclipse! There is lots of volcanic activity around the world along with our own personal volcanoes. This Eclipse completes this Eclipse cycle, yet know that the energy of it all continues and keeps us on our toes. We are in a deep transformation and this Eclipse empowers that even more. Not only that, but Diwali begins on the same day as the Eclipse: October 23rd. The time of the Solar Eclipse is 3:57 p.m. (MST). Diwali is also celebrated by many non-Hindus, as I do. Certainly the Eclipse energy is helped with all the Light that Diwali brings forth. Diwali is the Hindu celebration of the lights. It is referred to as the Festival of Lights. It celebrates new beginnings, honors Goddess Laxmi (Lakshmi), Goddess of Prosperity, and symbolizes victory over limitation. So you see how it coincides with the New Moon Eclipse? I love Divine Perfection. All occurs in perfect Harmony. (Please also note that this is my interpretation, as I am not Hindu, yet celebrate much of the ancient ceremonies, for I see the thread that runs through all religions and spirituality and that is Love.) This Eclipse will help you go even deeper than you have before, excavating even more that is not Love. And with the New Moon, which is all about beginning anew, it is an excellent time to set forth your intentions. So while the Eclipse helps to root out the old, the New Moon helps you move more powerfully into the New. It will highlight contracts you have with others, which are “karmic” in nature (I put quotation marks around karma because in the New, there is no karma; nor other limitations) and helps free you from the attachments of such contracts. In the New, there are no contracts; no shoulds, rules, supposed-to’s…for Freedom is what the New is all about…Freedom and Flow. As you let go of the restrictions of contracts, you open up to New energy and free yourself and others from the confines of contracts, which are of the old. This Eclipse brings Rebirth and a new way of being; a departure from who you have been all your life. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” Do it often and see what happens. Be fearless as you open up to a new expression of you…of Soul. The important thing is to go deep. This is an opportunity; not a challenge. If you dread it, you are not using the power of this Eclipse properly. Change your perception and open wide to see a new perspective and New Life. Be Courageous in your adventuring forth. Know too that this Eclipse will greatly expand your Heart Center, which helps to align you more with the Truth of you…your Soul. You will sense an expansion of Oneness with others as a part of this Heart expansion. If you have been having memories of old lovers in your consciousness, it has been for the purpose to forgive and expand more into and as Love. This Eclipse cycle is and has been the most powerful so far, as you probably feel. There are many insights and secrets revealed. All of October has been rather intense and this has been due to all the work we’ve done, how we’ve created our lives based on where our attention has been, and empowered further by the eclipses and solar activity. Gaia feels it too. We are reaching another peak in our transformation. So much of the old is gone, replaced by a new energy. Do you feel it? I know you do. If you are resisting any changes, this definitely is a tough time for you. Flow, Baby, Flow! If you are uncomfortable anywhere in life, go deeper and see what your message is. Is it time to let go? The New is about Flow and Ease; not struggle and fight. Be aware that this Eclipse is not just contained on the 23rd, but the energy of what it is making available for us will continue for many months. The intensity of it, however, will go for a few days after the 23rd and then we will shift into integration. How to flow with the energies: keep your intentions high and for the good of all. Be aware of the color gold around you…it is Christ/Source Consciousness. Know that your Oneness/Unity Consciousness is strengthening. And know that Diwali is helping anchor much Light within us and onto Earth, especially as you focus on bringing forth more Light as well. If you are guided to do Ceremony, keep it simple; follow your own guidance, activate your crystals in the sun (preferably before Noon), stay out of drama and chaos and stay focused in Love and intention for bringing forth the highest expansion of Love for all. Be sure to stay grounded, for the energies will be quite high. You can breathe deeply, creating a connection with the core (Coeur=Heart) of the Earth. You can practice Earthing and if you sun gaze, be sure to stay grounded. There are many upgrades occurring (between the Lunar and Solar eclipses). You may already have experienced lots of activity in the Solar Plexus, Heart, High Heart and head chakras. Personally, I have experienced it all including eruptions on the skin in different parts of my body, where a simultaneous detox and upgrade have been occurring. You may also be guided to spend time alone during the Eclipse. This really helps you to focus without the energies of others, since everyone is in a different space unique to them. Be aware of how connected you are with certain others without being in their physical presence. You are actually in the real Presence of who they are. Realize too that you are traveling without physically traveling. For me, I realize that I had already been to Glastonbury without physically going. So fascinating, as now I have no pull to be there physically. Stay out of fear. There is much fear in the old. Current fears include Ebola, ISIL, war, etc. you don’t have to be seduced into the old world’s dualistic fear dramas. Keep your thoughts; i.e. vibration; high. This helps you continue on into more of the New and higher energies. Know that your body is shifting greatly. This can lead you to thinking something is “wrong.” It is not; you are shifting physically in order to integrate more Light. If your focus is on fear, you will feel it more and it becomes your reality. Ask yourself where your focus is in any given moment. If it is not on love, then you can shift it through intention and attention. If you focus on being more, this Eclipse helps you manifest that. This, of course, includes Abundance, Heart’s Desires, Passion, purpose and other areas of ‘desire” (Desire is expressed through intention and attention, for we are creators). And trust. Intend that you express nothing but Soul’s desires for you. In other words, trust that your desires are not ego-desires, but Soul-desires. You can always feel the difference. As always, it is your choice as to what you intend and where you put your energy. Will it be in fear and contraction or Love and Expansion? Choose wisely, Loves. Ask your Soul; your wisest Self; what is best for you. And know that everything; everything; is for your highest evolution; for all truly is Love. Kara Schallock
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:30:35 +0000

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