New Year Relationship Rule 4 Malice..... Hhhmmm this is a - TopicsExpress


New Year Relationship Rule 4 Malice..... Hhhmmm this is a bomb.... Wooow MALICE .... I looked in the dictionary to find the meaning of this marriage/relationship greatest enemy, and I found the following: 1. A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite. 2. in Law context: a. The intent to commit an unlawful act without justification or excuse. b. An improper motive for an action, such as desire to cause injury to another. Reading these meanings brought me down to my knees despite the fact that I knew that keeping malice is not a good thing but to have read it in black and white, it made me feel sad and useless in myself because I used to keep malice in my marriage because I allowed my ex husbands other attitudes that I could have ignored to turn me into whom am not. It is a shame that many people now find it convenient and easy to keep malice with the man or woman they are married to or dating. I cant remember being in the house with my husband without talking for two weeks but that is still evil and some said they have done it for 3, 6 even 12 months, ARE THEY MADDDDDDDD... Do you really think you are still married? Do you think that is still a God given marriage? Do you think you are laying a good example for your children? Keeping malice with your spouse is evil and nothing but demonic, even keeping malice for one day is still evil let alone 2,3 weeks or months. Reading these meanings is a sign that for you to be keeping malice, the word love will not be in your home throughout that period, the word love making will not be in your pot. No wonder we have many married men and women cheating, if you are not in talking terms with your spouse then you are bound to find solace in the arms of another man or woman.... Yes malice may extend as a result of some spouses that are too ego filled to say sorry and spouses like that will need divine intervention to break that demonic yoke and as godly as I always try to be now, I dont even think I can spend a day with a spouse that doesnt know the importance of sorry or darling let us talk. Plus some that when their spouse is begging them they will be flexing...... For real????? I think those should also remain single or go to marriage school. There is nothing as beautiful as having peace in your relationship/marriage, keeping malice at early stages of your relationship mean it will go on forever in your union if drastic changes are not implemented. Keeping malice with your spouse means you are able to cause such spouse physical, mental, financial, spiritual and emotional injury and that is definitely not love.... Kicking malice out of your home, begin by kicking out ego, pride and trying to prove you are right. In marriage you work as a team, a business owner without employees will never grow and same principle apply to the men that believe they are the head and must not submit to keeping peace at home..... Honestly, for a home to be at peace, it will need the mans 70% input and that is a fact.... Kill malice if you truly want that marriage..... No point in living with someone you dont talk to.... Its barbaric... Bless.......
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:07:40 +0000

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