New post on our ministry page -- Psalm84Women Retreat Ministry. - TopicsExpress


New post on our ministry page -- Psalm84Women Retreat Ministry. Im reposting here but please, take a quick second and like our page as well!! YOU WERE MADE FOR MEMORIES I heard my precious nieces voice on the phone this week and was so grateful for memories. Every once in a while, the Lord comes and meets with me and we walk on some really funny trails together. Some of those are private moments and some of those are for me to share with you, the people that I love and get to do life with. Today, Jesus walked with me through some really great times...laughing hysterically as my little niece, Mishel pulled my not quite as little brother Jeff on a sled for Christmas morning, Dad telling all his stories at the table, Mom hanging the same blue lights on the tree that were made before most electricians today were even born, waiting with anticipation for our visit to my sisters house in Globe, Arizona and wearing bread bags on our feet and socks on our hands in those snowy mountains (this Arizona desert girl didnt know what to do with that white stuff!) It wasnt just holidays. It was tag football in the front yard. Climbing the roof and talking to my friend on her roof across the alley. Wrestling with the dog. Dad teaching me how to build a fire. All of those memories hold me steady. At the points in my life when I have been terrified, afraid that I dont have a place of significance in this world, worried I am not enough...those memories hold me steadfast to who I am. Were we screwed up? YES! Did we need Dr. Phil? ABSOLUTELY! Were we perfect? A resounding NO!! But we were loved. We knew where home was. And we knew the value of making memories. Across the years, as Dan and I have grown a tad bit older and our children have grown a whole lot older, people have asked me over and over again how we managed to raise children who all love Jesus and love family and are all so very different but fiercely loyal and faithful to the cause of Christ. First, any honest parent will say to you that their children are much better children than they were parents. Its true. But I think one of the biggest reasons is this...we were poor. We didnt have very much at all. There were times that Dan and I didnt eat so that our children could (no worries...we made up for it) We couldnt go to Disney. We didnt play private sports. They didnt have piano lessons. They didnt get to have all the toys, bikes, electronics, stuff that their friends had. All of the messages that proclaimed HERE IS A SUCCESSFUL PARENT!! we couldnt do. I always felt like I was cheating my children out of something they were entitled to have. But, Mom and Dad, I was lied to. I am so thankful for the journey we were privileged to walk. We had to talk to our children. We were forced to build forts. There was no choice but to play Hide Monster. The only dinners out that we could have were on our back porch using second hand china. Our family suffered through candlelight dinners in our own living room. Vacations were spent in a borrowed beach house. Because we couldnt afford cable, we had to make our own memories and not count on a movie or video game to make them for us. We had to talk to our children. Our dinner table became a place where every idea was allowed. No answer was wrong. Beliefs and values had to be formed and influenced because we talked to our children. We were forced to Disciple them through discipline and not punishment because we were mesmerized by our time spent with these little creations of God and just couldnt hatefully punish them. Discipleship just poured out of us because the love was so deep -- we now understand that the love of God so permeates you when you desperately need Him that, if allowed, that will gush out of you in every situation A strange thing has happened. Our children now talk to us. They bring their crazy ideas. Ask their questions that make a mamas heart stop for a second. Dream giant dreams that are only going to be accomplished because of the Kingdom of God. You know why? Because they arent afraid. Its safe I watch young families now. Families in the church. Families in the mall. Families at the restaurants. What will their memories be? A mom who is freaked out afraid by every news cast and consumer product safety bulletin that all she inspires in her children is gut wrenching fear and distrust of this incredible world around them? Parents and grandparents who are so sucked into their phones that all the children see is the part in their hair? Voices that are tinged with annoyance? You see, there is a balancing act. If we worship our children and grandchildren...always give in, let them dominate every situation, believe everything they tell us without establishing honor first...they will never be prepared for a world that does not worship them and they will not bow their knee to the God of the Universe because they dont need Him. We run the risk of raising little gods. But if we are constantly pushing them aside and allowing Cartoon Network or Steve Jobs to raise them, we will run the risk of raising empty shells that had so much potential and promise but no significance. When Jonathan was born, Dan and I wrote a song for his dedication and it was based on one of our favorite scriptures that we have prayed over Sheena and these crazy boys for 26 years and so, tonight, I want to share it with you in the same way... My precious one, dont you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Every step that you will walk, He has already made. His thoughts are always on you. His works are wonderful. Every single one of them. His right hand holds you. Do not be afraid. Memories of this incredible life are Gods precious gift to you. Unplug yourself for a while and MAKE SOME!!! Because everyone in your little corner of the world has been fearfully and wonderfully made!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:59:06 +0000

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