Nice people up front but ...........As weve all learned from the - TopicsExpress


Nice people up front but ...........As weve all learned from the Quran , they are tolerant of our way of life for a reason . The Quran says in 1. Abu Darda , 2. Ibn Kathir & 3. Al Tabari p. 101, 1. We smile in the faces of of some People although our hearts Curse them .2. In this case , such beleivers are allowed to show friendship outwardly , But NEVER inwardly. 3. We have never seen the like of what we have endured from this man. He has dirided out our traditional values ,Abused our Forefathers, Reviled our religion,Caused Division amoungst us, and insulted our gods. We have endured a great deal from this man ! While working for S.C.E. We were kinda sorta re-educated for a purpose NOT to take people for face value. It was a very insightfull class. In other words do not judge other people at first glance . With that being learned , I try my best to follow that learnig experiance in my daily life today ! NOT all Muslims , Or any faith for that matter , are bad people , Im convinced of those facts ! In the face of Pure Evil that the Quran Dictates , Muslims will adhere to thier faith no matter what . Intimidation / manipulation is the name of thier game & as weve witnessed , Violence is just one of thier tactics . In other words Just do it ,Or else ! Women are Second class citizens , they are beaten , raped , coersed & shamed into beleiving that thier only purpose is to serve thier Masters / Husbands from an early age . Though thier masters have Multiple wives , they have thier set place / purpose in the family tree . As one poster to a post said , I have known them for 35 years and have grown to love them ! The person went on to say ....Ive been to graduations ,births , yada yada yada , and they are loved & excepted and trusted as one would with my Immediate family, ie:As thier own. The Discussion turned into a full blown arguement and at one point i had to consider it Useless to continue . I felt I was trying to make total common sense with a Fing Liberal . My last question to him was How well do you think you know them ? I also felt it was only ruining my day trying to make sense of it all . All i could do is escape to the man cave for survival and inner peace. In essence , I Just let it go , you cannot change anothers mind or way of thinking if thats what they beleive , Period ! Just except it, and just LET IT GO ! Apathy has settled in , in America , And thats a fact Jack ! Many People simply do not wanna hear it any more , or for better words , just shut the subject off and continue with thier daily lives and act like nothings wrong. It is totally offensive to even talk about it ! 2008 was the begining of Funduhmental Change in America , Compliments of Ovomit & Crew. Shelbyville , Ferguson , Detroit ect ect ect are shinning examples of that Change. But those citys are not the only places that were seeing Change . Its friggin everywhere ! Obama promised Fundamental change ! Apathetic , Low or NO information Peeps voted for it , TWICE ! And some American folks are still standing behind that idiotology. Im confused ! I am damn proud to be an American, In NO way shape or form am i Proud of or respectfull of my Elected representatives . Even the ones i voted for ! Do the readers of my post THINK that i am wasting my time posting & expressing how i feel ? Or should i just S.T.F.U. ???? Constructive Critisyms welcomed ! :-) Thank You very much for the post Cindy Daily Haggerty ! I love yer facts based posts !
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:49:59 +0000

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