Nick.... Ive been challenged with this what are your - TopicsExpress


Nick.... Ive been challenged with this what are your thoughts?........this was aresponse to a post about IMF owning your Birth Certificate................................This is BS...Please do your research from a BALANCED perspective. Truth is not one sided. Weve been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture. -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, intelligent design, into the Dover Public Schools Quotes: The people who “own” your birth certificate makes millions of dollars by selling and trading it in the stock market. Really? How? Because: They do not have real prices and they do not trade. With no liquidity, how do you make money trading them? And who is on the other side of the profitable trade, bearing the supposed loss? (Remember: trading is a zero sum game: for every winner, there must be a loser.) Do the people claiming this nonsense know that it COSTS MONEY to get a stock exchange listing? Some funds - with Cusip ID-numbers similar to birth certificates do it, so they can be sold (in direct transactions) to investors who - by law - can only buy securities that are formally listed on an exchange. By accident there are so many funds like this, that some of the funds have Cusip ID numbers look like BC numbers. But they are not the same thing. Have you bothered to look for your own BC? I bet you will not find it. If you can, you will probably trace it back to a security listed in Dublin, or some such exchange, that has absolutely nothing to do with you or your birth certificate. (I bet that 99.9% of the people who read this stuff, never bother to check - but I am the sort who does check, and I hate being lied to! And I will blow the whistle, when I see an untruth too.) Remember, the people who promote these silly ideas never do any actual research, and they rely on the strong possibility that you will not do any research either. Put a fork into this one, and probably half of the other ideas promoted by Russell Pine. In ancient times (i.e. around the time I was born) they were still using ordinary plain paper forms for birth certificates, but gradually it dawned on the authorities that fugitives, smugglers, and other pillars of the community were counterfeiting birth certs with phony information. To discourage that, the various state health departments made a point of getting outfits like the American Banknote Company to work up elegant filigreed birth certificates that would be resistent to fabrication or alteration (in the age before color copiers and photoshop). As these same form-makers had already demonstrated their expertise in churning out money order forms, stock certificates (the NYSE requires a human face in the artwork as a particular anti-counterfeiting feature), and even paper currency for Third World countries, they were the perfect choice for birth certificate forms. But time and technology march on. In 2004, with all the talk about illegal immigrants and terrorists (and smugglers and fugitives) Congress enacted, as part of the new anti-terrorism act, a requirement that all states use safety paper for their birth certificates and similar documents of identity or citizenship; this means that, although the form, with or without personal data, might be printed out from a computer instead of some banknote printing press, it must be printed on paper with an anti-falsification background pattern, which is supposedly contrived to frustrate attempts to erase and rewrite and also frustrate attempts to copy or photoshop. Read this conversation further .......quatloos/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=10083#p172889
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:52:04 +0000

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