Nicole Guerrero inspired me to make my own list, so thank you - TopicsExpress


Nicole Guerrero inspired me to make my own list, so thank you Nicole! 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part). Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Years resolutions or a Bucket List. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities. 101 Things in 1001 Days Start date: March 13, 2014 End date: December 8, 2016 1. Complete this list 2. Inspire someone else to do this challenges HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, & SPIRITUALITY 3. Loose 25 pounds 4. Loose 50 pounds 5. Loose 100 pounds 6. Loose 150 pounds 7. Finish the DDPYoga Program 8. Give up refined sugar for at least 3 months 9. Write a letter to 10 people who have hurt me/harmed me and then burn said letter 10. Be able to walk 5 miles for exercise 11. Climb Pinnacle Mountain 12. Go swimming 13. Visit Daniels grave for the first time 14. Hike the waterfall trail at Petit Jean Mountain 15. Read the Bible 16. Take 100 pictures on Instagram of things that make me happy 17. Eat no fast food for a month 18. Succeed in giving up something for Lent 19. Write a letter to myself to open on my 50th birthday 20. Get new glasses WRITING, ART, & HOBBIES 21. Finish writing my book 22. Make at least 50 recipes from the Good Housekeeping Cookbook of 1963 23. Read all of Stephen Kings library (put $0.25 in a jar for each book read) 24. Listen to all 500 albums (via Spotify) on Rolling Stones greatest list (put $0.25 in jar for each album listened to) 25. See all movies on the IMDB Top 250 movies (as of 3/13/2014, only watch movies you havent seen, at the end re-check list for new listings. Put $0.25 in jar for each movie watched) 25. Learn basic French 26. Do a 365 photo project for my 37th year of life 27. Do a 365 photo project for my 38th year of life 28. Write, and send, 50 handwritten letters/postcards 29. Watch Breaking Bad 30. Watch all of Doctor Who in chronological order 31. Paint a picture 32. Read at least 30 books (not previously read) from the 1001 list of books to read 33. Take pictures of 30 different people 34. Compete in NaBloPoMo 35. Watch 10 documentaries not previously seen 36. Make a calendar from pictures that I have taken 37. Write 3 poems 38. Submit a short story to a magazine/publication GOALS INCLUDING OTHER PEOPLE 39. Have make-out time with my Love at least 3 times a week 40. Go on a belated Honeymoon 41. Take Bella to 100 places she has never been before 42. Leave 30 “You are beautiful” post-its in 30 different locations 43. Throw a holiday party 44. Send flowers to 5 different people for no specific reason 45. Send a care package to a soldier 46. Buy a complete strangers meal 47. Buy a child Christmas presents who is on an angel tree 48. Give a 100% tip 49. Kiss in the rain 50. Write a letter to Bella for her to open on her18th birthday 51. Write Brian a letter every day for a month TRAVEL 52. Go to the ocean 53. Explore 5 in-state cities that Ive never been to before 54. Go to Eureka Springs 55. Go to Hot Springs 56. Go to Memphis 57. Go to the corn maze around Halloween and complete it 58. Go to Crater of Diamonds 59. Go to Blanchard Springs 60. Take a train to another city 61. Visit Crystal Bridges Museum 62. Take Brian to the Clinton Museum 63. Go to New Orleans 64. Visit Arkansas wine country again 65. Go fruit picking 66. Visit five Roadside America attractions 67. Go to the zoo 68. Visit an art gallery 69. Go to a music festival 70. Go to a summer festival that I have never been to before 71. Go camping 72. Go on a picnic FOOD AND DRINK 73. Eat at 10 different BBQ joints 74. Try 25 new foods 75. Try every drink on the Starbucks menu 76. Have afternoon tea 77. Make homemade bread 78. Make homemade pasta 79. Try 10 new cocktails 80. Make a vegan cake 81. Buy produce from the farmers market 82. Eat a raw foods meal 83. Try 10 new restaurants 84. Try every doughnut on the Shipleys menu 85. Sample all of the Baskin Robbins ice cream flavors FUN AND MISC. 86. Get a new tattoo 87. Go roller skating 88. Go bowling 89. Play miniature golf 90. Donate books to the library 91. Dye my hair red again 92. Send a secret to PostSecret 93. Vote in a local election 94. See 10 movies in the theater 95. Answer the 5000 question survey on LiveJournal 96. Donate at least 10 bags of food to those who need it 97. Attempt to play every game on our Atari Flashback 98. Ride a ferris wheel 99. Learn to skateboard 100. Donate $3 to a charity of my choice for each goal not met 101. Put away $1 for each goal that I do meet so that I can buy myself something when I am finished
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:46:33 +0000

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