Nigerian Politics: This senseless killings must stop! I am - TopicsExpress


Nigerian Politics: This senseless killings must stop! I am still grieving the death of innocent school children by agent of darkness recently in Potiskum. This is one killing too many that MUST STOP! My heart goes out to families of those innocent children that the Nigerian state failed to protect. I pray God to accept their innocent souls and grant the families fortitude to bear the painful, avoidable and irreparable losses. Space and time will fail me to say all I have come to see under the present precarious security situation in our nation. In all this, I have come to see complete state failure to perform a fundamental function of protecting lives and properties. This is both deplorable and unacceptable. Ruminating on how we got here, it jolted me to realise how political considerations is foiling our ability to tame the terror monster in Nigeria. While GEJ is obsessed with winning second term in office in 2015 and as such doing little so as not to step on toes, key figures like Buhari and Lai Mohammed among others of the APC that can speak to the boko haram idiots to seize hostilities against Nigeria, have thus far refused to because they want to score cheap political points. One wonders whose interest proving alleged incompetence of the president GEJ to shore up electoral fortune in 2015 will serve. To both parties, their political interests must come first then Nigeria later. This is bad for the nation. If we must win the terror war, we simply need to shake off politics, be sincere to ourselves and be united for Nigeria. Doing the opposite as it is at the moment, is both nauseating and deplorable. It will serve no interest at the end of the day if Nigerian seizes to exist. The president and his kitchen cabinet must awake from their self induced political slumber, and learn from history how not to renege on vital state functions as protecting lives and properties signifies. If Arab spring can sweep away governments and the Burkinabes did same few weeks ago, then the president must be a joker of the century to think that his futile efforts so far at stemming the tide of insurgency in our land cant see to his ill-glorious exit from power. APC adversarial opposition besides revealing self-centered political lots probably with nothing to offer, shows they hate Nigeria as well. Consequently, they care less what become of the nation as long as their political interests are served. That can only explain the adversarial opposition of the party at this time of national security emergency. One expect me that the lines of political differences would be blurred to salvage national emergency situation and not harping on same to score political points. I hereby call on the leadership of the APC to join forces with the FG to stem the tide of insurgency plaguing our nation. With unity, we can overcome our common challenges. We were able to fight ebola because we blurred the political lines to respond to national health emergency. We can do same in this matter. I expect political, religious and traditional leaders in the opposition and the North to come out hard against terror in the country by supporting the FG to win war against terror. On the part of the PDP led FG: simply wake up! If GEJ is doing anything at all, it is simply not enough. The president must put politics aside and do all he can to stop this senseless slaying of innocent children for Christ sake. Do all you can as well to unite the highly polarised military. I refuse to believe that untrained boko haram idiots can overwhelm our military. Morally motivated military will be resolute and united in their campaign against terror to give us respite. We dont need arms from USA to win the war sir, buy from Russia or China if you ever need arms. What I think you need is simple: put aside your political interest and address issues that can bring peace. Equally be willing to step on corrupt toes compromising our collective security with a view to bringing them to justice and your courage would be hailed. The greatest transformation you can give Nigeria should be one with zero blood spills and not one like yours that daily records spilling of sacred innocent blood of defenceless citizens. We need the basic minimum of protection before the ravaging hunger in the land kill as many as would be unlucky to make it at the end. In all, if we (GEJ, APC, Northern Oligarchy) put politics aside and we should in our own interest, we can end terror in our land and consequently the orgy of barbaric senseless killings! God bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 06:21:10 +0000

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