No Mr. Liar, We do not! You didnt obey Herr Adolph. You must keep - TopicsExpress


No Mr. Liar, We do not! You didnt obey Herr Adolph. You must keep repeating a lie often enough until the public swallows it whole! Then by executive Dictatorial command you can make your own laws. Lets concentrate upon Repeal and Replace! Demand that Congress obey the constitution! The Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was a “tax,” and as such, within the taxing powers granted to Congress. But the U.S. Constitution specifies that all tax bills may only originate in the House of Representatives. The Affordable Care Act was initiated in the Senate. The bill contained no separability clause, and so, the entire Act is unconstitutional, as the primary “funding” mechanism — the individual mandate — is a tax. Rep. Don Young doesn’t support ACA, and has stated so. Why then, has the House of Representatives not attacked the Act on this very simple basis? The U.S. Supreme Court can’t, after declaring the individual mandate to be a tax, uphold the Act as constitutional if it is challenged on that basis. — Paul O. Loughman Wasilla AK. Thank you Mr Loughman. Now, Hear Ye! Hear Ye! let Mr. Don Young and all other Real Republican House Representatives who are not just RINOs please take action. Is anybody else out there sick of Obama trying to tell private businesses how to conduct their business? He has totally screwed (or close thereof) the best healthcare system in the world and since his overpriced software (built by a company with ownership who are friends of Moochelle) doesnt work, the costs have grown exponentially, and the requirements so narrow that they are near impossible, he has decided that the insurance companies can now still offer the policies...... He has no idea how business works... He is no different than the bum outside the restaurant demanding to be fed but wants everybody else to buy his meal.. He is an illegitimate POtuS who has crafted the biggest deceit this country has ever seen....
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:01:26 +0000

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