No Way Should Maya Have Married Carter! I am so very glad and - TopicsExpress


No Way Should Maya Have Married Carter! I am so very glad and very happy that Maya DID NOT marry Carter. Face facts, she DID NOT love him in a way that a wife should love her husband. They had NO CHEMISTRY whatsoever. There was no FIRE between them. They were about as exciting as a couple as LOPE was, and LOPE wasnt exciting at all. If I want to see something boring then I would watch golf, tennis, and baseball because there is NOTHING exciting about those bland sports. I certainly dont watch Soap Operas for bland and boring couples like Caya, Carrick, and Lope. I watch Soap Operas for exciting and facinating couples like RAYA, HOTT, DEQUINN, DERIC, AND BRILL. Those couples there boost the ratings and NOT kill the ratings. Also I didnt like the way Carter talked to Maya and treated Maya. He thinks just because he some big time corporate attorney and she comes from poverty that he can talk to her any kind of way and treat her any kind of way which he is very WRONG for thinking and doing that. He is NO BETTER than Maya and Maya is NO BETTER than him. We all were created equal and shall be treated as such. And lastly, he is too darn loyal to Caroline, to ever show any loyalty to her, and their relationship was manipulated by him and Caroline. Carter never genuinely love Maya, he was with her to keep her away from Rick so Caroline can be happy. So again, I am so very glad and happy that Maya NEVER married him PERIOD. He doesnt deserve a woman as good and as beautiful as Maya. Maya deserves a heart throb and he aint it. In fact, he is the very least attractive man on the show.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:23:33 +0000

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