Noah & Moses: Pioneers of Liberation Theology In the time of - TopicsExpress


Noah & Moses: Pioneers of Liberation Theology In the time of Noah, from about 2902 BC to 1952 BC, God saved man from wickedness and total death sentence through a great flood. There is uncertainty as to how big the total population was at that time. So I may use my own calculations just for the purpose of arriving at a wild guess as to how many lives God deleted from the earth back then. For one reference said only about 20 million people were existing then, whereas another estimated the population to be about 6 billion. There was another which showed his calculation to be over 1 Trillion. According to one website, Jewish Tradition, Adam and Eve had 56 children (33 sons + 23 daughters). And Adam himself lived 930 years. Noah lived even longer up to 950 years. The estimated year of Adams creation was 3954 BC. And the Great Flood took place When Noah reached 480 years old, that year would be 2422 BC. Thus, from Adam to the Great Flood, man had 1,532 years to multiply. Population growth rate must have been much higher than the present, since each family must have had a higher number children. The climate must have been more conducive to human survival because life span was longer. However, due to what God described as great violence (Genesis 6:13), let us assume that mortality rate was high at 50:50. There were about 9 generations from Adam to Noah. Thus, my calculation is like this: Adam x (53/2) x 53/2 x 53/2 x 53/2 x 53/2 x 53/2 x 53/2 x 53/2 = 240 billion people ? It did not fit my calculator which is good only up to 10 digits. What is the significance? It appears clear to me that God deleted almost ALL of the 240 billion population back then to allow Man to start from the only good guy and his family members. Why NOAH ? Was it because he had only one wife and 3 sons ? Compared to Adam and his 53 children, this shows Noah was a very disciplined human being. He was able to receive communications from God. For that to happen, Noah must have been practicing the art of meditation to be within the frequency of Gods messages. Let me remind you then that DISCIPLINE and MEDITATIONS must be part of those who want to join Liberation Theology. ...To Be Continued
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:10:52 +0000

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