North Carolina Republican Senate candidate Greg Brannon has an - TopicsExpress


North Carolina Republican Senate candidate Greg Brannon has an interesting argument for eliminating food stamps: slavery. In a videotaped interview with the North Carolina Tea Party in October, Brannon, a Rand Paul-endorsed doctor who is top contender for the GOP nomination to take on Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan, cited James Madison in making the case for abolishing the Department of Agriculture—and with it, the $76 billion-a-year Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps. Brannon has a real chance of winning: A December poll from Public Policy Polling found the GOP primary field split but showed him leading Hagan, 45-43. Were taking our plunder, thats taken from us as individuals, [giving] it to the government, and the government is now keeping itself in power by giving these goodies away, Brannon said in the interview. The answer is the Department of Agriculture should go away at the federal level. And now 80 percent of the farm bill was food stamps. That enslaves people. What you want to do, its crazy but its true, teach people to fish instead of giving them fish. When youre at the behest of somebody else, you are actually a slavery to them [sic]. That kind of charity does not make people freer. ~MP
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:30:01 +0000

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