Not everyone has the same experience when they receive a Reiki - TopicsExpress


Not everyone has the same experience when they receive a Reiki Treatment with me. Some find relaxation, some leave with great clarity and energy and then some have an experience far more extensive then they had anticipated. I am sharing with you the words from a client whom I treated last week. Her words had me in tears, tears of affirmation and a true appreciation for my own gift that I am sharing with others. I must say one thing, never come with expectations, just arrive with faith and belief and from there whatever experience you have is yours alone and yours to keep. We are all unique and we create our own journey. What you receive and attract in this life is a reflection of yourself. The only truth we will ever know, is the truth that resides within our soul. Thank you Melissa Latour your words have been placed in the keepsake box within my heart. I had my first treatment with Vanessa on Friday August 29! AMAZING and truly what I needed! I have been for sometime talking to my husband about taking the time to meditate again and for some reason - I WAS BLOCKED - I was not sure if doing my treatment with Vanessa would open me back up or if I would just be a body laying on her treatment table unable to relax. I enter the treatment room with a calm embraced welcoming to just be ... As I lay down I closed my eyes - first I couldnt breathe - almost wanting to panic - hearing Vanessas words (which I do not remember what she said) prevented me in the beginning moments of having a panic attack. I am now laying still struggling in my mind for breathe but knowing I am okay and that I need to embrace what is being put forth for me. I see fires beyond fires in small villages and then it is bright and orange and read and then POOF all grey smoke - that clears and brings to a place that is completely white - unsure of what or where I was I struggle to see what is around me to understand - there I lay inside a coffin ... white, padding white, my outfit white, my hair strawberry blonde ... I am now watching myself laying in a white coffin - at peace with my eyes wide open - not afraid - not speaking but completely understanding ... then it was a whirl wind of air and sand (like a sand swirl you see on a windy day) - then it was blue light, that forwarded to beautiful colours that inside me mind felt vibrant and beautiful - I landed in the place the I always bring myself to meditation (when I did it) - it was there I was still and looked around embraced every entire moment in which I could because it was just as beautiful as the last time I was there accept it colours had enriched and the energy was beyond what my soul had even imagined - I now feel a pressure on my abdominal in which I am thinking - without opening my eyes that Vanessa must be placing her hands on me - intense but NOT at all painful - then it was a whirl wind of air and sand again and I was just in placement of content and surrounded by brilliant colours and collages of messages and energy. This treatment was AMAZING ... it provided me in that moment what I needed to embrace what I have blocked for sometime. I took 30 minutes yesterday and I meditated - it was beautiful, peaceful and strengthing for my soul ... I learned the name of my spirit guide and I opened the channel in which I had been stopping for some time. I realize that some people may not understand complete levels and my review of treatment with Vanessa - however - I know Vanessa will truly understand and it will enlighten and embrace her soul to know that she is a gift beyond what my words or any words could ever express ... I WILL FOR SURE BE SEEING YOU MY DARLING for ONGOING treatment Thank-you for sharing your gift xoxo
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:06:20 +0000

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