Not only has a password to my online bank account (PayPal) been - TopicsExpress


Not only has a password to my online bank account (PayPal) been altered, then returned to normal state after I vocalised my concerns, when Ms Conner lived directly above my appartment, through her surveillance and hacking, it has been made clear to me through ( I believed) use of transceivers, that the Personal Identification Number ( PIN) of my Santander Bank Account replacement debit card was known to my persecutors. Can anybody tell me, is it generally considered that protecting ones finances, by speaking about suspected fraudulent activity, constitutes what is commonly known as grassing? In addition, because transmissions from believed use of transceivers emited sounds of spoken words (instructions) that told Francis that he had to give something up, then upwardly, access to funds generated at an online account that I had put considerable time and effort into monetizing (HitsboosterPro Traffic Exchange) has been and still to my knowledge is prevented. Furthermore as I have repeatedly stated, items in my home have been re-arranged, with the intention I beleve of keeping him, (myself, Francis Kirkham) in a heightened state of anxiety as to aid the appearance that the character in her story is paranoid. A very elaborate and cruel practical joke!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:22:06 +0000

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