Notes from the train: There is a kind of silence that comes as we - TopicsExpress


Notes from the train: There is a kind of silence that comes as we await the dawn. A sacred silence where everything is waiting for that first breath of light pinkening the sky –signaling a new day has come. All is peaceful —restful. It is in this place, a week ago, that Dad forgot to take that next breath. He slipped silently beneath the covers, never to wake to that gentle light again. And as I sit holding vigil in the darkness, I know how important it is to breathe so deeply, to take that light back into my soul, that heavenly blissful light of life. It says… you have arrived to live another day. So embrace it, my friend. Embrace that light as if it were for the first time. Treat it as a friend and not your enemy. Make peace with it, because you only get one precious wild life. One dance, one ride, one chance to shuffle off this mortal coil. “To die, to sleep, To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, theres the rub, For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. Theres the respect That makes Calamity of so long life:” Perhaps we are stuck in a dream and merely sleep walk through life. Perhaps we have yet to be born and await our first breath. Whichever your case may be, may you find joy and embrace love. May you find that which makes you passionate. I say, live life to its fullest. Love every minute. Live large. Find what you love to do and do it. Like my father. He never apologized for being his unique self and lived life passionately and fully. Don’t get caught up in that game of what other people might think of you, but be true to yourself always. But be respectful… to yourself and others. I sit in a darkness full of reflections. They echo in my heart like a bell, a clarion call to life. A toast to the living. As if Dad is raising a glass to all of us up there in heaven. He has not left us here, stuck in the darkness… he’s busy painting the sunrise, finally lifting up his paintbrushes once more, in joy. So that we all remember to breathe. And as the faint breath of light touches the sky, I shall rejoice in you and all you have taught me. I shall know the coming dawn all of my days, till I too, slip away at the end. But I have miles to go before I sleep and much work to do in this world. For there is needed, a healing balm— too many are drowning in sickness and depression. Let my words be such a balm. Let us share our stories and lift each other up with connection and song. Find those friends you haven’t seen in ages. Check in with your neighbors and get to know your seat buddies as you travel, your waitress, taxi driver, check out clerk, door holder,... Make an effort to reach out to strangers and make them your friends. This is Dad’s legacy and mine. I take up this mantle of friendship. For it is an art to make people easy and make them friends. Not everyone knows how to talk and draw people out of their shell. And Dad had that gift and has passed it on to a new generation. I also have made friends with the darkness so I may know the light even better. And with that, I head back to bed, for sometimes things can only be written in darkness. In that place of complete silence that comes before dawn. #notesfromthetrain #chefBill #sings2trees #embracethedawn
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:02:01 +0000

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