Nothing annoys me more than when Im asked about my major and - TopicsExpress


Nothing annoys me more than when Im asked about my major and future by some ignoramus who thinks they have a firm grip on which life choices are the most lucrative and/or practical. This is what Ive had to deal with: So, whats your major, Lesley? Visual arts. Really? What is that? Like....drawing, or...? Well, it encompasses that, I suppose, but there are many creative outlets you can explore, from advertising to being a curator for a museum, to making art to be put in an exhibit, or just doing commissions. What are you gonna do with your degree? Oh, I might explore contemporary art, or even go into making comic books, or hopefully I can learn about animation. Or I might be an art teacher one day, but thats really more of a backup plan. I actually really wanna be a voice actress, but Colorado Springs doesnt really have any opportunities for-- Whats voice acting? Youve watched cartoons as a kid, right? Yeah. That. Oh.... But isnt that hard to get into...? Dont your parents want you to do anything else? Well, yeah, but-- So, then why not just study something thatll get you more MONEY? ... ... ... ...And that, your honor, is when I rammed my fist into his throat and tore out his voice box so that he wouldnt plague anybody else with his ignorant ramble! In all seriousness, I KNOW that there are career choices out there that are more lucrative and respectable. What parents wouldnt want, deep down in their heart, for their kid to study medicine, law, or politics? But those careers arent for EVERYONE. Ultimately, I would much rather live my life doing something I am passionate about that will give me some form of success, be it spiritual or financial. I HATE telling people about my hobbies or future plans and being met with a raised eyebrow in confusion or contempt! I DESPISE being told that there are better options, because I am already AWARE that there are better options, theyre just not what I have any interest in. You, Mr. Unimaginative, can keep your ideals and values to yourself, thank you. I will hold true to my own.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 04:02:25 +0000

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