Nothin’ but the Best September 28 /2013 Scripture reading: - TopicsExpress


Nothin’ but the Best September 28 /2013 Scripture reading: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Philippians 4:8) When you shop for a big-ticket item, such as a digital camera or a computer, you probably don’t buy the first one you stumble across. You want the very best, if you can get it. Most likely you shop around, ask some friends, and check out reviews and consumer reports so you can get an idea of the best buy. Maybe your motto is “nothin’ but the best!” and it’s worth a little extra time and effort to make sure you get it. What about the books you read? The movies you watch? TV shows or music? Do you consider what is the best? What do you base that on? What kind of criteria do you use to decide what’s best for your brain? Have you checked out God’s “consumer report”—the Bible? The Bible tells us that God’s standard for what we put in our minds is nothing short of excellence. Whatever is true—accurate and faithful to God’s perspective on life and the world. Whatever is noble—dignified and honest. Whatever is right—fair and trustworthy. Whatever is pure—clean and healthy. Whatever is lovely—charming and attractive. Whatever is admirable—highly regarded. Those words describe what God views as excellent and praiseworthy—that is, the very best. In what areas have you been settling for less than the best for your mind? Let the motto for your brain also be “nothin’ but the best!” Be picky about movies, TV shows, music, and magazines. Change your perspective from “Can I get away with watching this?” to “What will I gain from watching this?” It doesn’t matter what everyone else around you is doing or not doing. It’s up to you to monitor what fills your gray matter. READ PAUL’S ENCOURAGEMENT TO STAND FIRM IN PURSUING THE BEST IN PHILIPPIANS 4:1-9. ~ God, I know there are some things in my life that don’t fit the standards you gave me. I know they pull me down rather than build up my relationship with you. Help me to care enough about you to allow in only what you think is best… Amen! ~
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:01:22 +0000

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