Notice, now, in our text it is the twenty-four elders, God’s - TopicsExpress


Notice, now, in our text it is the twenty-four elders, God’s priesthood company, who, when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, and the mystery of God in his elect is finished, fall before God on their faces, and worship God. I don’t think the scene has ever been more eloquently articulated than it was by “When the mighty God took the book, the elders also fell down before the Lamb, and gave their solemn and adoring vote to His worthiness; but here the prostration is even lowlier. They not only fall into the posture of reverent adoration, but ‘upon their faces,’ bury their immortal countenances in the pavement around the throne; by their very emotion hurled from their golden seats, overwhelmed and almost undone. There (in chapter five) they expressed their adoring sense of the Saviour’s worthiness, exulting in the prospect of what was to result; but here they celebrate the whole issue reached, the blessed consummation come, the thing of hope for all these ages now translating into fact; and, crowned princes of heaven, and anointed coregents with the great Eternal as they are, they cannot contain themselves. Their glorified limbs sink under the weight of the contemplation; their heads bow down to the place of their feet; their whole being melts into one flux of overwhelming realization of what now is come, and the gush of their adoring soul-dissolving joy breaks like a sea of thankfulness against the throne.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 06:30:03 +0000

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