Now that weve seen Richard Sherman celebrating, lets confess. - TopicsExpress


Now that weve seen Richard Sherman celebrating, lets confess. Havent you ever had a moment where you won something/did something that was EXACTLY what you wanted and had worked so hard for and you wanted to just go off and tell everybody who doubted you/taunted you/had ever insulted you where to get off? Most of us are not in the midst of such intense physical contact and risk, so we content ourselves with milder celebrations, but I do remember having some less than charitable thoughts when Oprahs Book Club picked What Looked Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day, about what I might like to say to the editor who told me it was the worst book she had ever read. Some of my delighted friends even encouraged me to use the opportunity to do a little literary trash talking. But I didnt. I figured the universe had just rewarded me in a wonderful way and the Spirits might not like it if I gloated or called my former editor and said How ya like me now? But im a writer!! Who knows what I might have said to the woman if I was a bad ass football player with a Stanford degree and great dreadlocks who had just helped his team get to the Super Bowl? Im just sayin...
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 20:12:59 +0000

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