Now the NAACP is hawking the insanity of gun control, and - TopicsExpress


Now the NAACP is hawking the insanity of gun control, and possibly weaponless police!!! Think about that... Armies of armed thugs controlling our cities and towns..with the authorities helpless in the face of it...the whole nation INNER CITY DETROIT! and the rich and the itch politicians protected behind their walled mansions with their elite security details, while kill whitey and grab anything he has rages in the and black drug empires at war for control of the streets, protection money needed to go shopping..a.Obama still in office in year nine because no one has the balls to run him out of town,,, and these idiot tea partiers can think of nothing else but how to destroy the republican party and make sure we NEVER win another Presidency....! I read that browns mother and her arsonist boyfriend has received $247000 from the feds since the death of her thug son... good money in arson and rioting! Ò
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:40:16 +0000

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