Now why would ISIS wants to fight Hezbollah in - TopicsExpress


Now why would ISIS wants to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon.? 01.09.14. Hezbollah: ISIS wants Lebanon. The threat of ISIS to Lebanon cannot be underestimated, a Hezbollah official warned Sunday “The terrorist threat on Lebanon is actual, real and continuous,” said Sheikh Nabil Kaouk, the deputy head of Hezbollah’s executive council. “And whoever doubts or underestimates this threat is either ignorant or negligent, and he harms the high national interest of Lebanon.” “ISIS’s decision has been announced. Their pretended slogan is to create the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria, which includes Lebanon,” he said. Hezbollah’s deputy leader Sheikh Naim Qassem vowed to continue fighting against a takfiri terrorism scheme that he said was orchestrated by the U.S. and Israel. “We, as Hezbollah, have only one direction: the resistance on the basis of Islam and jihad for the sake of God,” Qassem said in remarks published Monday. “We have set the compass and the needle points toward Israel. ... We are fighting one scheme, which is the American-Israeli takfiri scheme. “We, as Hezbollah, have said from day one that what began in Syria under the title ‘reforms’ was an Arab-Western takfiri scheme to destroy Syria in favor of Israels interest,” he said. ** ?? Who wants Hezbollah to be destroyed completely.? Hezbollah was main threat for.?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:44:15 +0000

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