Number 5. Username 666 It is said to be believed that if you was - TopicsExpress


Number 5. Username 666 It is said to be believed that if you was to go to YouTube and type in 666 in the search engine, it would Take you to a very strange, yet very normal YouTubers channel. But as you click the refresh button over and over again, the page becomes distorted and almost hellish as the screen will suddenly change and the videos will now show strange graphic images and moving pictures of demonic resemblances. Now once this page is no longer refresh able, your trapped. You cannot exit out, you cannot go to a different search engine and you cant even close the page. Neither can you, log off, shut down, or restart your computer. Leaving you on this hellish page, where you are forever forced to look at this page. Forcing you to have to get a brand new computer, destroying the other that is now infected with this hell virus. A Japanese man, of whom the name? It wasnt too clear or even written in this pasta, but he is the only one who allegedly was the one searched this username 666 who was abled to actually tell this and it is said that he possibly committed suicide, unable to forget the horrid videos, sounds and graphic content of this users page. But yet again, it is also said that there are videos on YouTube of him exposing this hellish secret, give it a search. Now, if youre brave enough.. Go a head. Give it a try.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:56:56 +0000

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