Numerology Part 3 by George Knowles Vowel Numbers There are - TopicsExpress


Numerology Part 3 by George Knowles Vowel Numbers There are other influences to be gained from a persons name number, which are called the “Numbers of underlying influence”. The first is the vowel vibration of the name, which reveals a persons secret longings and hidden desires. It represents the person we long to be, our inner craving, likes and dislikes. To find this number simply add the numerical value of the vowels contained in the persons name and reduce them to their primary number: Example: My name George Knowles has 5 vowels - EOEOE, which translates to the numbers - 5+6+5+6+5 = 27 2+7 = 9 Therefore my vowel vibrational number is 9. In numerology the letter “Y” is used as a vowel when there is no other vowel in a syllable (i.e. Glynn or Carolyn) and when it is preceded by a vowel and sounded as one sound (i.e. Hayden). Vowel influence correspondences 1) People with vowel number 1 secretly long to be great leaders and to work independently by themselves. They dream of receiving fame and recognition, and take pride in their abilities. They want to be creative and original, and to invent and create masterpieces, but in their desire to manage the big picture, they must learn to practise moderation and accept their limitations. 2) People with vowel number 2 long for peace, tranquillity and harmony. They want to work with others as a part of a team, but cannot understand why people don’t get along. Leadership is not important to them, but making a contribution to the team effort is. To that end they work hard to achieve harmony with others, particularly cheerful, good-tempered and kindly people like themselves. 3) People with vowel number 3 secretly long to live life to the fullest. They like an active social life and usually enjoy a large circle of friends. They also like to be at the centre of things were they can express their artistic and intellectual talents. They are generally energetic and lively, and have an upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged. 4) People with vowel number 4 long to be solid citizens that people can depend on. They like to organize and plan all their endeavours. They dream about work schedules and master plans with which to establish and maintain order. They are highly analytical and manage their way through most situations using well-planed conventional methods. Practical, honest and reliable, they have the ability to see a project through to completion, achieving success along the way. 5) People with vowel number 5 want to be adventurers and to follow a life of freedom, to discover uncharted territories and leave behind the mundane world. The idea of travel and freedom intrigues them, for life is too short to sit at a desk pushing papers, and they desperately want to escape it. They are not particularly concerned about the future or about getting ahead, and are forever opportunistic and optimistic. 6) People with vowel number 6 long to have the perfect home and family, and dream of settling into a long-term relationship. Friendship, love and affection are highest on their list of priorities. They have many diplomatic skills with which to balance difficult situations, and like to be appreciated for their ability to handle responsibility. They would like nothing more than to watch those they love grow up around them, but it is extremely important for them to have harmony in the home at all times. 7) People with vowel number 7 want to be left alone to contemplate life’s great mysteries. They like solitary pursuits like hiking through beautiful hills and misty valleys, or reading inspirational books. They want silence, peace and quiet from where they can dream, study and analyse in order to gain knowledge and wisdom. 8) People with vowel number 8 want to be in control of themselves and those around them. Power, status and success are very important to them. They have a natural flare for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. They have good executive abilities, alongside confidence, energy and ambition. They have an analytical mind and sound judgment, and being self-controlled, rarely let their emotions cloud their judgment. They dream of living in a palace and truly desire a grand extravagant life style. 9) People with vowel number 9 long for world peace and universal love. They are generous when sharing their humanitarian knowledge and experience, and highly motivated to give friendship, love and affection. They want the world to be perfect in every way possible, and dream of an unconditional acceptance of all humankind. Consonant Numbers The second influence is the consonant vibration of the name. A number that reveals the personality and inner desires of the person, and the face they allow to be reveal to others. It can also be used to interpret the way others perceive them. Simply add the numerical value of the consonants contained in a persons name and reduce them to their primary number: Example: My name George Knowles has 8 consonants - GRGKNWLS, which translates to the numbers - 7+9+7+2+5+5+3+1 = 39 3+9 = 12 1+2 = 3 Therefore my consonant vibrational number is 3. Consonant influence correspondences 1) People with the consonant number 1 appear to be confident, bold and even daring. They dream of being in charge, and want to be known for their courage and original ideas. They often come off a little strong, which makes them appear aggressively self- assured, which is why some people have a hard time approaching them. Others say they are merely comfortable with their own abilities, a quality they find most attractive. 2) People with the consonant number 2 are perceived as quiet and reserved. They are not interested in becoming great leaders and prefer to remain behind the scenes supporting and encouraging others. They present an easygoing image that makes them easy to talk to and easy to get along with. They are sensitive to other peoples needs and always tactful and diplomatic. 3) People with the consonant number 3 are seen as the consummate party animal. They are perceived as jovial, fun and exciting. Most people enjoy their natural enthusiasm. Their outgoing personality and great sense of humour makes them very attractive people to almost everyone who meets them. 4) People with the consonant number 4 often come across as a little dull. Others perceive them as cautious and sober. They are seen as perfect law abiding people who prefer a practical life style rather than a glamorous one. People appreciate their honesty and consider them to be very responsible and trustworthy. 5) People with the consonant number 5 dream of being free and unrestrained by responsibility. They are a natural born rebels who resist any form of conformity. Others perceive them as adventurous, magnetic, outgoing and fun to be with. As such they often appear to be younger than they really are. Travel and languages are their main interests. 6) People with the consonant number 6 are perceived as romantic, gracious and natural-born hosts. Most people find them artistic and creative as well as sensitive and easy to talk to. They are considered by most to be very reliable people, are natural born counsellors, and the person people turn to when they need a shoulder to cry on. 7) People with the consonant number 7 are perceived to be refined, intelligent and elegant (in their own way), but distant. They tend to be private and scholarly, and have a very aloof air about them. Most people have trouble approaching them, but those who do usually find they are actually quite illuminating once they get them talking. 8) People with the consonant number 8 are perceived as intelligent, strong and successful, but at the same time intimidating. They ooze self-confidence and success, enticing people to join their side of the team. Their confidence is very attractive to others. Their main desire is for material wealth, success and recognition. 9) People with the consonant number 9 are generally seen as kind and loving people. They have a youthful quality that attracts people to them for many reasons. Spiritual in a humanitarian way they dream of creating peace and harmony around the world. Frequency Numbers There is one other influential number to be gained from our name number and that is the frequency number, which only applies when the same number is repeated in the name and clearly dominates over the others. A dominant repetition of a number in a person’s name shows what special trait or talent they possess may influence others. This is called the “Number of added influence”. To find your frequency number, transposed your name to numbers as already shown, and use the chart below: Example: George Knowles = 7+5+6+9+7+5 - 2+5+6+5+3+5+1 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-0 5-5 6-2 7-2 8-0 9-1 As can be seen, the number 5 clearly dominates throughout my own name, making number 5 my frequency number. The following correspondences show how the frequency numbers may affect you. Frequency number correspondences 1) If the number 1 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to be headstrong and assertive in their need to lead. Fame and recognition is what they desire most, but they should ease up a little and avoid being too quick to demand their own way. 2) If the number 2 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to be considerate of others and have a flair for compromise. Their strengths are tact and diplomacy, which could best be used to advantage in a customer relations type career. 3) If the number 3 dominates a person’s name number, they should concentrate on their artistic and creative talents on such things as: music, writing or acting. Their general enthusiasm often makes them the centre of attention, which they should use to their own advantage. 4) If the number 4 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to show strong organizational abilities, with a preference for law and order. They would do well in careers that require long term planning and strategies, such as in law enforcement or government agencies. 5) If the number 5 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to have a restless nature much in need of stimulation. They should seek a career that offers adventure, travel and independence. The dashing appeal of an airline pilot’s uniform may be appealing, or a world events journalist reporting on war issues. 6) If the number 6 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to have strong humanitarian beliefs and emotions. They have diplomatic skills that make them natural born counsellors, and are able to handle most difficult situations responsibly. However they expect loyalty for their friendship and like to be appreciated for their efforts. 7) If the number 7 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to be scholarly and highly analytical. They refer books to people, and often appear aloof and intimidating. They take nothing on faith, and strive to reason everything. 8) If the number 8 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to have an intense desire for power and control. Their strength of character drives them to accomplish all goals. They are happy to carry other people along with them and allow them to share in his success, but only under his guiding command. 9) If the number 9 dominates a person’s name number, they are likely to become idealists in a spiritual and humanitarian way. They may be generous to a fault, but can take issues such as religion and philosophy to the extreme. Their dream is peace and harmony around the world. In conclusion, numerology is an ancient method of divination using a numerical system of values (in this case the Pythagorean system), to determine the cause and affect of natural influences on the individual. Numerological practices and beliefs have survived throughout the centuries right down to the present day, and are based on the concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, which correspond to natural universal vibrations. The belief is that all things germane to your name and birthday can be reduced to numbers in order to determine your personality, destiny and future fortune. Try it and see, you may be surprised at how accurate it can be???
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 10:55:54 +0000

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