Nur Atiqah Hasman Yusri demanded that I update a status on convo - TopicsExpress


Nur Atiqah Hasman Yusri demanded that I update a status on convo day. So, here goes! Despite the fact that my name was spelled wrongly from the beginning till the end (including on the cake my sister bought!!), everything seemed so surreal yesterday. One moment I was among the crowd of Rx9s waving our proud yellow banner. Then I was on stage receiving my Bachelor of Pharmacy scroll from YB KJ. And all of a sudden, I stood by the rostrum, all nervous and in jitters - composing myself to say the right words. Just a week ago I contemplated on having to deliver the speech. Do I deserve this? Will I be able to deliver an inspiring speech? Do I truly represent the values of IIUM? I have never been more afraid of the microphone - ever! Alhamdulillah, at the end of the day; I did well. It wasnt the best, but to receive compliments from both strangers and familiar faces indeed brightened up my day. Mana taknya, walaupun baca laju macam bullet train nak kejar masa, ada a troop of supportive Rx9s cheering for me alllllll the way! Kuat sampai dalam recording pun hingaq lagi haha. The speech was very simple but made memorable thanks to so many contributors including my father. I am NOT a valedictorian. The title is too great for me to uphold. I am just a representative of KOP who was given the amanah to deliver a few words of reminder. 4 years of juggling between studies and co-curricular activities was not a piece of cake. But Allah has sent lovely angels throughout my 4 years in IIUM. It was a humbling experience - thank you to my family, lecturers and friends. To Rx9s: You are indeed one of Allahs greatest gifts. I wish I could freeze this moment to last a lifetime! An uncharted future awaits us, but insyaAllah nothing is impossible. There is still so much to learn and a lot more to improve on. It is time for us to build a legacy and contribute to the Ummah. Congratulations and thank you everyone! Special kudos to Nur Aina and Fatimah Zahra Azme too! May Allah bless all of us! Okay, now I need to get enough rest to make the necessary phone calls name on all certificates must be spelled with double Is!!!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:46:06 +0000

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