O C C L U S I O N __L e g D a y #QUAD __T R A - TopicsExpress


O C C L U S I O N __L e g D a y #QUAD __T R A I N I N G Johnnie Peters Johnnie Peters Npc Competitor Not sure if many of you have heard or familiar with this but it puts a completely different style on training. #Occlusion training invloves lifting weight that is about half the poundage you would usually use. Next, to put your mind in even more of a bundle, you actuallly restrict blood flow.. not increase it. You restrict blood flow using (the most common method) knee straps. (Keep in mind occlusive can really only be used for legs, (calves and hams/quads), arms, and possibly shoulders. Restricting to your chest and/or back is virtually impossible w/o sufficating yourslef). It is reccommend for arms, to wrap one arm, do your set, then wrap the next arm to make sure they are accurately wrapped. (Or have someone wrap them for you) Occlusive training is about working with 20-40% or your 1RM but at a low intesity. Going above 50% is bad on your body and can actually kill muslce tissue. Now that we’ve covered how to occlude a muscle, the next obvious question is which exercises, sets, reps, etc., you should use. I suggest adding occlusion work at the end of a typical leg or arm day. It should take only five to 10 minutes, but be forewarned: Occlusion training is very taxing. First set: 30 reps with 20 percent of one-rep max Three subsequent sets: 15 reps with 20 percent of one-rep max, taking 30 seconds of rest between sets Four sets to failure with 50 percent of one-rep max, taking 30 seconds of rest between sets Four sets to failure with 50 percent one-rep max, taking one minute of rest between sets Note: Do not remove the occlusion device until you’ve completed all of the sets. You may be looking at those poundages and thinking this is some kind of joke. Go ahead and laugh. You’ll be cursing soon enough. If you’ve occluded the muscle properly, you’ll find that the first few reps feel very easy, like normal. As the set progresses, however, you’ll find that you hit a wall very fast because the slow-twitch fibers have been prefatigued by the lack of oxygen. The rest between sets will do very little to help you recover. The pump will be intense, but so will the pain if you’re working correctly—so intense that you’ll want to remove the occlusion after every set. Occlusive training is not reccommend on free weight squats. Make sure its done at the end of your typical split. NO muscle should be occludized for more then 10 mins at a time. This is quick and short. Whats everyone thoughts? It sounds like a BRUTAL workout that im going to start using when im done w/ my normal splits for faILURE. Layne Norton
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:31:28 +0000

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