OBIANO MAKES CASE FOR ECONOMIC RE-INVENTION OF SOUTH-EAST. Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obianor, has made a case for a more aggresive approach to the development of the South-East in a manner that will ensure its survival as an economic bloc. In an address at this years edition of World Igbo Congress in Hoston entitled: Laying the Foundation of Hope, Obiano argued that as true sons and daughters of the great Igbo ancestors who had mastered the art of democratic leadership long before the arrival of Colonial masters, Ndigbo must define the challenges of the present time and rise to them. Chief Obiano who was represented by his wife, Chief Ebelechukwu at the Congress further noted that the Igbo of the 21st century had evolved dramatically over the yrs to the growing acknowlegement of the attentive world but regretted that inspite of the individual accomplishments of Ndigbo, Igboland had continued to suffer economic neglect. Articulating his position on the least considered response to the threat of Boko Haram against Igbo businesses in the Northern parts of the Country, Obiano argued that that the time had come to build the economy of the SE to serve as a safe harbour to Igbo merchants who face life-threatening stuations in different hostile locations across the world. The gov. Further observed that as economic migrants, Ndigbo had mastered the art of survival in unfriendly territories but with out a viable economic homeland of their own, they would continue to fall victims to violent arguements between brothers in their adopted homes. His words; The time has come to envision an economic future for our ppl. Gov. Obiano further observed that Ndigbo had excelled on all fields as distiguished scholars, academics, scientists, writers, painters, and historians, but it is, however sad that ever since the end of the Biafran war, Igbo achievements had remained largely abroad. Etc--
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 10:38:07 +0000

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