OCEAN OF LIFE! Today I feel like starting off with a little - TopicsExpress


OCEAN OF LIFE! Today I feel like starting off with a little riddle. You know how we used to enjoy them so much in our childhood. Somehow, during growing up, we have lost our sense of wonder and curiosity. I want to bring that back. So here is the riddle: There is something that has no color, yet some say that it is green while others call it blue; yet there are some who claim that it is brown or even yellowish in color. It has no taste yet it is described as tasting fresh, metallic, saline, sweet and what not. It is cylindrical, cube, diskette...yet it has no shape. Any guesses what it could be? It is water – one of the most important physical elements on this planet Earth that allows life to sustain here. It is amazing how inspiring this all-pervasive element can be, and how much importance it has in our lives. Nearly two-thirds of this planet, and our body, are made up of water. It exists in all the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) yet has different properties in all the three states. It is formed by the fusion of two gaseous elements (hydrogen and oxygen) to form a liquid compound. No, this is not going to turn into a lesson in chemistry. It was just necessary to explain the properties of water so that we can talk about its esoteric meaning in details. There is a beautiful quote, “When you know how to listen, everybody is the Guru.” I have often thought that the saints in Hindu mythology used to go to the forest, sit under a tree and achieve illumination. While here we are, with books, internet, age old wisdom available at our behest, yet we are all still searching for the answers. Maybe the answers are hidden in the simple things in life that we tend to overlook. Maybe the sages contemplated on these simple things instead of trying to overcomplicate it. Water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Think about it. In our lives if we do two good acts for one wrong one, then not only will we feel better about ourselves, but the world will be a better place too. This is why today I want to talk about water and how such a simple, omnipresent thing has so much to teach us even when we are unaware. Water always flows from higher level to lower level. This concept has been used by many to explain energy flow as well. Energy healing practitioners are aware of energy transference based on this principle. A person who enjoys good health and lifestyle is considered to be “energetically more charged” than someone who does not. In such cases, when the two come in contact, there is a flow of energy through which the latter feels better in the company of the healthy individual. Esoterically, it also means that if one maintains humility towards the Teacher the energy flow will be much smoother. The ocean has so much water because it is located lower than the other sources of water. Though water takes on the property (color, smell, shape) of anything that it comes in contact with, it does not lose its identity. It maintains its serenity. It is a universal solvent and can dissolve most of the substances in it. All of us have sometime or the other experienced difficulty in getting along with some one or the other. Usually this someone plays a very important role in our lives. Like water, one should aim at “dissolving” differences between ourselves. The first step in doing so would be to take on the property (way of behaving or thought process of the other person) and then using that understanding to dissolve the reason for disagreement. “We do not see things they are, we see things the way we are.” So if we have empathy or step into the other person’s shoes, it can help us understand the cause of the problem and how to solve it. My Guru said, “Be flexible like water constantly adjusting and flowing”. I have often wondered about this. How could I possibly be like water? What does it really mean? So, not surprisingly, I actually looked up the physical description of water. That is what I have shared with you above. But there is a mine of information available on the spiritual meaning of water. For example, water has no shape, smell or color. Yet it takes on the shape, smell or color of those that it comes in contact with. This has two meanings. First is that one should be able to adjust with the surroundings and situations in such a way that they are able to become one with it. The other meaning is slightly more complicated. Since we are all children of God, there is no difference in the essence of the Divine within us. The only difference is in the way we perceive it. So when we change the way we think, we will see the oneness in all and be at peace. Most everyone has heard the moral story where water can disintegrate obstacles from its path by gradually wearing it down. In the same manner, a person can convince the most rigid opinion to give way to gentle persuasion over time. We should attempt the same approach when faced by situations that require convincing. Usually we do the opposite. If someone is of an opinion different from ours, we take it up as a challenge and get aggressive trying to convert them. The end result is that they might just become more convinced with what they feel is true. However, if we try to explain our point of view, gently and with patience then over time even the hard boulder may wear off and give way to the water. It is also necessary to remember that flowing water is unstoppable. It makes its way somehow or the other. So if there is a boulder in the path that is not allowing passage, move around it and find another way to flow. Never stop moving ahead in life towards your goal. Uniting with the ocean is the ultimate goal for flowing water and that is why it does not let any obstacle stand in its way. If one door is locked then it finds some other to keep moving on. It does not give up. We too, should have a clear goal in mind and stay focused on achieving it despite the challenges that may come up along the way. We should be flexible to change the plans so long as the ultimate goal can still be achieved. Physically, water exists in all three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas. This principle has been used beautifully by the Great Magus, Franz Bardon in his book Initiation into Hermetic. He states that the bipolar nature of water lends it two opposing qualities as well – a positive and a negative one. In its positive state, it will influence constructive activities while in its negative state, it will produce destructive activities. This can be seen easily in nature. Rain, for example, soothing for parched lands after a scorching summer and is useful for crops to grow. However, due to excessive rain there can be floods that can disintegrate life in the region. To quote the author, “The point in question are also two poles, the active one being constructive, life-giving, nourishing and protective, whereas the negative pole, similar to the one of fire, is destructive, dissecting, fermenting and dividing.” In this book he talks about the magical power of water and how it can be used to change the way An excerpt from his book on the magical power of water is as given. “Now let us regard the magic of water from the practical side. Every time you are washing your hands, think intensely that by washing, not only do you wipe the dirt off your body, but also the uncleanliness from your soul. Think of failure, trouble, dissatisfaction, illness and the like being washed off and turned over to the water. If possible, wash yourself under the tap so that the dirty water can run off immediately, and at this moment think that your weaknesses are flowing off with the water...Be firmly convinced that all failures are passing into the water. You will be surprised at the success of this exercise after a short time.” Water is a source of life for all the living beings on this planet. Since it is present on all levels, we can apply the above exercise on all the levels too. Be conscious that when you are eating food, the food has moisture in it, or water content in it. You can consciously think that the food that is going into your body is filled with positive energy and will be properly digested and assimilated by your body. The air that we breathe has water in it too. So with every inhalation, one can visualize positive, life-giving energy entering into the body. With every exhalation one can visualize all the stress, disease and troubles being released from the body. There are many hidden meanings in the every-day life around us. The Creator has created everything with a purpose in mind. True spirituality is looking at all the ordinary things and finding the extraordinary beauty in them. I am a humble student of MCKS! At the lotus feet always!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:24:12 +0000

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