OF THE DIAMOND WEALTH AND A NATION ENSLAVED. We had promised to - TopicsExpress


OF THE DIAMOND WEALTH AND A NATION ENSLAVED. We had promised to address the issue of how PLM wud be rolled out to the entire length and breadth of the country. We shall however not reveal that as of now for strategic reasons. Today we shall address a serious development that we all know of; The return of slavery to Africa via Botswana. When someone feels that they are at your mercy, that whatever crumbs you throw at them are better than nothing, they subconsciously accept that you control their destiny. You own them and could abuse them all you like. This is prevalent from the family right up to National level. Botswana used to boast of the largest foreign reserves surpassing even those of economic gaints like SA. It was prudent, we were told to keep those in order to safeguard the economy against the unexpected. Where now are the billions? Lost forever! Can we therefor still trust our so called economists? Botswana still remains the worlds top diamond producer by both value and volume. We are by GDP placed within the middle income bracket yet the country has failed to translate all that into tangible benefits. We are now begging NGOs that left the country upon our being upgraded to a middle income economy to come back with the donations. The criteria used to grade us seems to have missed the reality! Can we trust such pronouncements? Unemployment rates we are told are going down yet desperation on the ground has grown so much so that people are willing to be abused by being paid less than herdboys and domestic servants. The stipulated minimum wage has been put aside as scores of Batswana placed deliberately into the unemployment pool scramble for literally slave wages. Graduates are abused as interns. Poor rural folks slave as litter pickers and grass slashers. Others are slaves of the Police. Now there is a new entrant, Tirelo Sechaba 2. All these slaves are told they are volunteers, that they should not expect much in monetary terms. Their pay ranges from $50 to $55 a month. The minimum wage is $72. And even such bondage is not permanent for they get left by the sidewalk two or three months along the way. Has the Government given up on employment creation? Whenever people demand jobs that preserve their dignity they are told that it is impossible for a country to create jobs for all its citizens. What else are the thiefs in the govt enclave not telling us? Kuwait has 1 million citizens, all those of an employable age are employed. A further 1.5 million migrants are also gainfully employed. And all Kuwait has is oil. Drilled up like water and boiled to distill out fuel. The revenues are then used to create jobs. In Botswana probably only 800 000 people or less need jobs looking at how many are eligible to vote. The country spends a lot on education yet no real effort is placed on gaining much from such an investment. Education has simply been turned into a money making entity for institutions and their shady partners. Students welfare is of no concern and a draconian onslaught is upon them. A dictatorship is forming. The only blossoming sector in the economy is chain retail stores that sell 0.001% locally produced goods. The stores have pushed the local supermarket owners out of business. Most of the people who frequent these chain stores are forced to relinquish their slave wages for food. To escape this cycle they have to enslave themselves to ruthless commercial banks and terrible credit account dealers in furniture, motor vehicles etc. The slavery therefore doesnt end with the lowest of the low. There also are ill conceived slave catching institutions like the defunct FAPand SMME and now CEDA. The success of these was or is based on a huge profit for the owner with less expenses on labour, typical IMF economics. One or two people benefit while the majority as usual slaves on. There is undeniably a conspiracy to keep the population underemployed, unemployed, enslaved and thereby submissive. No amount of economic jargon can explain why a Nation able to stay debt free for decades can fail to convert its wealth into the ultimate mandate, prosperity and total happiness for all. Only corruption, greed, nepotism and lack of political will stops the gloomy faces of all the enslaved from greeting every day with hope and happiness. The population has come to accept that theirs is a curse as many seek ways to prosperity from fly by night churches that promise them jobs and joy where there is none. PLM hereby declares that Botswana is a constitutional dictatorship. The government through the self laundrying constitution has assumed the role of Slave master, most politicians are slave catchers through their religion of elections that the slave master manipulates before all and sundry in order to legitimize itself as the rightful slave owner. The PLM shall therefore continue preaching the method of NONVIOLENT ACTION to dismantle the slave trade.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 10:18:33 +0000

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