OF WINNERS AND LOSERS- DEMOCRACY HAS WON Every race has a - TopicsExpress


OF WINNERS AND LOSERS- DEMOCRACY HAS WON Every race has a winner and a loser, and like a race evey election should have a winner and a loser- there is no draw in elections. UPND has lost 5 parliamentary by elections in the last 2 months and won one. We say congratulations to the victors, and to the people of vubwi, zambezi west and mkushi south we can only say you made your decision, its your democratic right. We appeal to the victors, the PF, to be magnanimous and treat us, the vanquished, with humane kindness, respect and dignity. Today its you celebrating and tomorrow it will be us, thats how politics is. You gain some and you lose some. We only have one zambia. The by-elections should not divide us. We should look at a broader pic - zambia. A few months ago, we were celegrating our win in katuba and we were the victors that time- and today its you... Democracy has won. And we say thank you to the people of vubwi, zambezi west, kasenengwa and mkushi . You have spoken, you have said that our messages were not convincing. We will go back to the drawing board and restrategize. We will come back with a better message next time. And to all the negative comments on social media about UPND, we can only say that you have made us stronger. Maybe we were over confident... this has come at a better time coz it will give us time to prepare for 2016. We shall do an inhouse postmortem. We shall revisit our structures and see what the people want. The recently ended by-elections has put our party into a period of deep reflection. To all UPND members, dont lose foresight. Its only a temporaly setback. We have already gotten back to the drawing board and next time might be different. UPND should move forward and forward we will under our able leadership of president Hakainde Hichilema. EL
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:57:24 +0000

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