OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE from VISION OF PUNK, INC.: FIRST OFF: There are absolutely ZERO fake pages associated with the Vision Of Punk, Inc. family of pages. We started this two months ago with two girls, Aurora Polaris and Brooklyn Blayze, with the intent of giving girls who DONT have the money and DONT have the connections to do modeling and have fun with it without all the legal headaches. We cant pay the girls and if they wish to leave us, that is their right and privilege to do so. SECONDLY: Unless a model, agency or other entity contacts our page politely and respectfully to cease attempts at networking WITHOUT threatening lawsuit, we will continue to pursue networking with that model, agency or other entity until which time they ask us to stop pursuit. That request MUST BE submitted to this page by way of a message to this page. When they do ask us to stop, we will immediately and without incident, so long as they are respectful about it. THIRD: We DO NOT believe in cyber-bullying. We deal with the fans that harass our girls head on and will ban any bullying from any one on any page we have set up. If it turns into something more, we report it to Facebook in an attempt to get them blocked from the service. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Unlike most legal entities who are just in this for the money, were in it to bring back the actual enjoyment of it. Were in this for the girls who were teenagers and had a dream but never made the connections to fulfill that dream. Were in this because we believe in what we do. Were in this because we actually give a damn and want to succeed. There are now 350 of you who Like this page or one of our models pages. If you love what we stand for, please share us with your friends. -- Falco Polaris, Co-Founder and CEO, Vision Of Punk, Inc.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 05:04:42 +0000

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