OK--heres my second book, soon to be published by #Linkville - TopicsExpress


OK--heres my second book, soon to be published by #Linkville #Press, entitled Unholy Trinity: Antoine turned to go retrieve Annelise, but stopped suddenly at the vision before him. A Being, dressed in a military-style form of clothing, stood in the doorway. “Antoine du Rève,” it said. “Or should I say, Vlad Tepes? Ian Hamilton? Cain? Judas? Which one of you is currently in charge?” The being solidified into the image of a young man, golden-haired, regal in his countenance and bearing. Antoine looked coolly at this stranger. “Who are you, to come into my house without so much as a knock at the door? You, sir, are trespassing…” “All things are God’s, and I have permission from Him to be here,” the young newcomer answered. “What are you raving about? Madman! Get out now!” Antoine roared. “I will leave when I have performed the duty I came to do.” Antoine crossed his arms over his chest and stared defiantly at this nuisance. “And what, pray tell, might that be?” The being gazed levelly at Antoine. “Your time here is finished, Vlad Tepes. Your soul is required.” Antoine’s eyes went wide. He backed up warily, readying himself to disappear, as he had often done in the past. Yet he couldn’t do it! For some reason, he was powerless before this… “Who are you, I ask again,” Antoine demanded. “I am Gabriel, who stands at God’s left, and I have been commanded by my Master to relieve this body of its cruelest burden.” Saying this, he produced a small piece of ancient wood. Antoine gasped, holding his hands over his face, his arms crossed over his chest. The angel advanced on him, growing larger and more frightening with every step. Antoine had no power to fight him. Gabriel tore Antoine’s arms away from their protective embrace, and quickly thrust the stake into Antoine’s heart. The vampire gave a scream of rage and despair, and slumped to the ground. The black soul that was Vlad Tepes writhed from the body and hovered over it. His evil laugh was cut short by a pair of shadows that seeped forth from the ground and pulled him back down with them. He screamed in terror, and then all was silent. Gabriel turned back to the body, and pulled the wood from its heart. At once the monster awoke again, its visage taking the form of Judas’, so long gone from the surface. He pleaded with the angel, “Please, put the stake back! Plunge it in! Let us out too, so we can be free of this existence.” Gabriel looked at the duo with pity. “You two were too prideful before to acknowledge the Master as Lord of all. You refused to even try to love Him, to see Him as your heart’s desire. Has that changed, or does your heart still hold its proud disobedience?” “We have no master.!” both shouted in unison. Gabriel shook his head. “Not ‘Master’—that is the name we angels give Him. Only…‘Father’. ‘Lord.’ ‘King.’ How hard can it be?” Judas/Cain snorted. “You were created to obey God without question. How would you know what we’ve been through? And why we cannot, will not, go to your Master on our knees, nor bow our head to Him.” “Very well. As you wish.” The angel turned to go. The monster stared in disbelief. “So—that’s it? We’re still free to go?” Gabriel whirled in the doorway. “I did not say that.” He looked at the door, and it slammed shut. Then he faded through the door himself. Cain/Judas tried to do the same, but Gabriel had caused a seal of some kind. The monster peered through the keyhole, and was surprised to find something blocking it from the other side. He tried to push the object, but screeched in pain when he touched the blockage. Gabriel’s voice came through the door. “It is the wood I impaled you with earlier. You will not be able to touch it.” Then a pause, as if he was listening for something. “Ah—it begins.” The house shook as if it were being jostled by a giant. Then Judas/Cain felt the entire structure begin to move—downwards. The neighbors watched in amazement as a gigantic hole formed around the du Rève house. Minutes later, there was a rumbling and a wet squelching sound, and the awestruck onlookers watched as the building sank into the hole, mud and water swirling over it. At the same time, the water stopped gushing from the hole in the levee, the stream flowing across the street dried up, and all was normal again. Except for the gap between the houses where the du Rève house had stood.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:12:58 +0000

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