OK Friends with Kids- A while back I took a survey of your - TopicsExpress


OK Friends with Kids- A while back I took a survey of your interest in my potential business ideas. I need a way to make some money at home, and I want to do something I am passionate about. I have decided to make busy bags! If you have never heard of a busy bag, its an activity bag to carry with you and that your child can do independently. These are great for car rides, waiting at doctors offices, or just facilitating some quiet independent play time at home. In order to get me started, I would love to pre-sell some kits. If you are interested, please comment here and I will PM you some more details. Here are the basics: 1. Choose: Toddler (1-2 years and up), Pre-School (3-4 years and up), Early Literacy (getting ready to read/early readers), Early Math (counting, sorting, writing numbers, etc.), School Aged (1st grade and up) 2. Most Bags will be only $5 each! 3. For now, they will be in ziplock bags. If you would like to upgrade to a pencil pouch, that is an option, but there will be a small upgrade charge. 4. Buy a variety and save! If you choose to buy all 5 varieties in your age category, it will be only $20, so basically- buy 4, get one free! 5. I will also be offering hand made totes to carry your busy bags in and keep them separate from all other toys. Great to keep in the car and carry in to restaurants or doctors offices. There is also an upgrade option to this- Get it embroidered! Keep in mind, this would also be a very thoughtful unique gift for family members! I am excited about this, but I truly cannot make this happen without the support of my friends and family. Please consider helping me get started. (Also, Ill make this privacy public so you can share if you so choose) Thank You!!!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:28:56 +0000

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