OK I am about to have a bragging moment. So many of you know that - TopicsExpress


OK I am about to have a bragging moment. So many of you know that I did the #3dayrefresh upon my return from Jamaica. Well during this you are to kick the caffeine for 3 days (I know, I know coffee is my lifeline) so with that I had no Turkey Hill tea !!! Before moving to this side of PA I was a #Gallikers NUT I mean I think I was drinking this stuff in the womb, kid you not! So when I started to lose weight after and I was already on this side of PA I then went to diet ice tea, this was back before I educated myself on #additives, #toxins, and all the bad genetically made crap that goes into our food, my main concern was the #sugar at the time so back then it was like whats aspartame? So as years went and I learned more and more I selfishly responded with well if this is my only bad habit whats so bad, I can have one right? I mean I gave up over 80 pounds, quit smoking, changed my lifestyle habits and behaviors in SOOOOO many ways I mean what was wrong with diet ice tea right? Stupid question right, it contains ASPARTAME thats is whats wrong!!! Heres a little bit about this little devil hiding in so many of our foods that we eat. #Aspartame is By Far the #MOST #DANGEROUS #Substance Added to Most Foods today. It accounts for over 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the #FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as part of aspartame dangers are: ******* *Headaches/migraines, Dizziness, Seizures, Nausea, Numbness ,Muscle spasms, Weight gain, Rashes, Depression, Fatigue Irritability, Tachycardia,Insomnia, Vision problems, Hearing loss, Heart palpitations, Breathing difficulties, Anxiety attacks, Slurred speech, Loss of taste, Tinnitus, Vertigo, Memory loss, Joint pain. According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame: *Brain tumors *Multiple sclerosis *Epilepsy *Chronic fatigue syndrome *Parkinsons disease *Alzheimers *Mental retardation *Lymphoma *Birth defects *Fibromyalgia *Diabetes *CANCER Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and METHANOL (your addiction to it). The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch lists aspartame under the category of chemical poison. So where am I getting at with all of this? I #KICKED THE #HABIT, NO MORE DIET ICE TEA!!! YAYYYYY, WHOOO WHOOOO!!! This was very, very hard for me let me just say but any bad habit is breakable you just have to want it. You have to know that YOU ARE WORTH IT! I hear the dreaded saying way to often Well I only live once DUHHHH thats just it you ONLY LIVE ONCE so why not maintain that life so that you can be here as long as you physically can. Eating and drinking bad crap just because it tastes good is only shortening you life. You might see it as enjoyment in the moment but what is the pay off, obesity, chronic health conditions, mood disorders? Its not worth it to me and it shouldnt be to you either. I am not saying to never, ever treat yourself because that is just plain out craziness but to do it on a daily and not expect consequences is just madness and when you treat yourself dont chose a factory made treat because that is not a treat, that is murder. What I laugh about the most with myself is I am a reader, in the grocery store our family trips are time consuming because I read everything on the package and when it came to aspartame I wouldnt buy it no matter how good it tastes but I came home and drank my tea ha ha! I knew though, I knew the dangers and the oxymoron in my decision but I figured it was my only guilty pleasure well along as we think like that we will never give up something so dangerous. Everything in life is a process, this was a process for me and I conquered my goal, you can too! #aspartamesucks #stopkillinguswithfood #organic #fitnesscoach #youonlyliveonce #eatclean #coffee #caffeine #saynotodiet #icetea Carl Daikeler Chalene Johnson Shaun T
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:00:40 +0000

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