OK so settle an argument between Jr and Myself. So here is the - TopicsExpress


OK so settle an argument between Jr and Myself. So here is the scenario We are at the grocery store. Im in full U.S. Army uniform, Me, Jr, Boogie, Chuck. We get to the line to check out and one of Jr buddies who works there comes up to me and says KID: Sir I just want to say , IF YOU HAVE SERVED, I would like to thank you ME: What did you just say? KID: I wanted to say that if you have ever served I want to say than........ ME:I know what you said, I just had to ask because I cant believe you just said it. KID: Ummmmm ME: Do you not see me standing here in uniform with U.S.Army on my chest? KID: Well ME: So came up to me to offend me KID: Sir I ............ ME: If you are not here to check me out, WALK AWAY, before I lose my temper KID: Sir I mean... ME: MOVE OUT!! And the kid moves out smartly. Now here is the debate. Now when this all started Jr starts looking around at the ceiling, coke machine, candy packets. And I ask Jr. Why didnt you have my back? You are supposed to have my back? (Jrs...argument) Dad, you are the United States, and Im Norway. I dont want to get involved in the war, so I just watch to see how it plays out. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT Norway? NORWAY?!?! Why cant he be great Britain, or Japan. Why Norway?!?! Then he starts into this entire lesson on WWII and list the countries that did not fight in the war. So umm, apparently Hes NORWAY. (Jrs...argument) Dad lets be honest. If you are loosing the war, the war is already over and we are all dead anyway.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:00:31 +0000

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