OK, the Smokey Crating Story. Everyone ready for a giggle? 1) I - TopicsExpress


OK, the Smokey Crating Story. Everyone ready for a giggle? 1) I took Rescue Remedy five or six times today. Just drops under my tongue. 2) I sang. I am not a singer, I am not creative. But on the drive home from feeding the ferals caged at the new house, I started singing Hes my Smokey Cat, and hes OK He hunts all night and he sleeps all day Hes a kitty-cat beyond compare I love him so much and he has blue hair (Sung to the Monty Python Lumberjack tune) I sang that over and over and over. I sang it the drive, while feeding the kittens at the dumpster (and they came over to eat while I was putting out the food, so that boosted my confidence). I got out of the car singing, called the cats for the meal, and just kept singing. Smokey is no longer eating in my presence, so I finished putting the food out (Peanutbutter called to let me know she was there), and then I followed Smokey into the field. Singing. Ive had the crate sitting (open) in the tall grass, and Ive been petting on him and loving on him right in front of it since yesterday morning. We had our pets and loves, I kept singing. I picked him up, and my heart started roaring, and he bolted out of my arms. I kept singing. I squatted, and let my heart slow back down. Smokey came back over, was rolling around for belly rubs. I kept singing. I heard Carolina telling me - JUST DO IT. Thats all it takes. Just make up your mind to do it. I kept singing, I picked him up and put him in the crate and slammed that top down so fast I didnt even know it was closed, LOL. And man did he start yowling. And I started talking to him, telling him how much he was going to love his new home, and that Baloo was going to be so happy to see him..... Now for Peanutbutter.....
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:17:49 +0000

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