OMUMA DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE PASSES A VOTE OF ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE TO: HON BARR DICKSON O. UMUNNAKWE- COMMISSIONER 4 SPECIAL DUTIES R/S Sir. we the members of omuma democratic alliance ODA and other peace loving of omuma people passes a VOTE OF ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE to you for the people oriented leadership qualities you have demostrated as a serving commisioner mostly, the positioning of youths in leadership positions as evident in the recent caretaker committees among others. Our brother & leader, your emergence as a commissioner is an act of God. we are profoundly enamoured with your doggedness, patriotism and determination to change the fortunes of a wide spectrum of omuma people. Having traversed the political environment for years, we have no doubt in your mental, physical, intellectual and admininstrative capacity to take omuma and ideed Rivers state to the next level of unprecedented development. We are encouraged by your track record and achievements, we can only describe your appointment as a classic case of paradigm shift and a triumph of democracy. Omuma Democratic Alliance are emboldened that inspite of the turbulent political situation, the higher stakes and obvious threats, destiny has beckoned on you to mount the podium like the biblical David, to give genuine leadership to our people. However, we believe that you are eminently prepared, sufficiently motivated and supremely qualified to effectively and efficiently take us to the promised land hence, we pledge to assist in creating the enabling environment for you to deliver more devideds of democracy to our people. Sir, to whom much is giving much is expected. we urge you to be consistently consistent with these developments so as to wipe the dents of previous administrations God bless omuma, the most peaceful. long live omuma long live Rivers state long live Federal Republic of Nigeria Chima, Kingsley U Cordinator ODA Chima,
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:11:35 +0000

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