OPEN LETTER FROM A TRUE BLUE TO JOSE MOURINHO My name is Ivan Dougan and I am a true Blue. It is just six games into the season and already, concerns have been raised over so many issues surrounding Chelsea and Jose Mourinho. We might be tempted to say it is still early in the season but knowing Mourinho for who and what he is and having seeing Chelsea attain the heights without his tutelage, there’s every reason to be worried. To start with, it is incomprehensibl e the way and manner Juan Mata has been eased out of the starting eleven, converting him to a bit-part player. Since his arrival at the bridge, Mata’s performances have endeared him to not just fans of the club but to football purists and for his efforts; he’s been crowned Chelsea player of the year twice. The Mata situation has left me and many others perplexed and the question being asked is; how does Chelsea’s messiah for the last two years turn into a “villain”? In a team that has players like Andre Schurrle, Oscar, Eden Hazard, Willian and Kevin De Bruyne all vying for the three available spots behind the striker; Mata according to Mourinho, can’t be an automatic starter. Last season, Oscar, Hazard and Mata ran the rings with Mata the leader of the pack and catalyst of a new look Chelsea but, with the addition of Schurrle and De Bruyne, a reshuffle has taken place and he is now the casualty of that. No disrespect to the newbies but none possesses the qualities of Mata. His passing ability, vision, composure, technique and goal threat make him a better player than this new toys Mourinho has bought. In many games, Chelsea have struggled for Mata’s qualities but Mourinho has stuck with the annoying Andre Schurrle who brings nothing but his blonde hair to the pitch. I believe that Mata has been dropped because of his “laziness and unwillingness” to help out defensively but guess what Mourinho? That lazy guy bagged more assists than any other Chelsea player last year. That lazy guy has won us games! By the way, why do you even need Mata to defend when you have Cahill, Terry, Ivanovic, Cole and two midfielders on the pitch? Mata’s job is to create and score goals. If you want people to defend then sign defenders who’ll keep it tight at the back. And talking about defending, where were the likes of Schurrle who ‘track back’, when the team was conceding two goals against Basel? Eden Hazard is best when he runs at defenders and doesn’t post a good shift defensively either, Schurrle- the Blonde One- has scored ZERO goals and prevented ZERO as well and thank goodness for the brilliant Oscar but then again, can someone remind of a time when he made a sliding tackle? Mourinho’s preferred attacking midfielders won’t prevent other teams from scoring and won’t create or score as much as Mata so how difficult is it to see that Chelsea NEED Mata on the pitch not gisting on the bench with Essien? In Mourinho’s first era, we played rigid football and it worked. We won titles and we will never forget that but times have changed, football has evolved. We want to see expressive and entertaining football. Mourinho has put a limit on the players’ enterprising play and despite the number of players who can play flair football, Mourinho still has Chelsea playing like robots. The ‘Chelsea is boring to watch’ jokes are catching on again. And to my fellow Chelsea fans, if Benitez lost at home to Basel, wouldn’t we be calling for his head? Why should Mourinho be different? I’d rather have a modern coach like Klopp than Mourinho. We have flair players, we need to stop playing football like mechanics. So dear Jose Mourinho, you may be the Happy One but Chelsea fans are not happy. Mata is our Special One. We want to see him play lots of games and trusted with responsibility. Schurrle and De Bruyne are eggs but Mata is a hawk. Whatever they are trying to do, he’s been there and done that. Put him on the pitch where he belongs or we may have more Basel incidents. Yours, A Chelsea fan, Ivan Dougan (@Ivanlotti)
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:00:52 +0000

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