OPENING REMARKS BY H.E GEN ABDULSALAMI ABUBAKAR (RTD), GCFR, FORMER HEAD OF STATE OF NIGERIA, AT THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE ALL POLITICAL PARTIES SUMMIT, INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE CENTRE, ABUJA. 12 JUNE, 2014. 1.I am very pleased to be here this morning as the Chairman of this occasion – The All Political Parties Summit. I wish to most sincerely thank the organizers of this event i.e the National security Adviser (NSA) and the Special Adviser to the President on Inter-Party Affairs for inviting me here to be part of this important gathering where eminent Nigerians and Political leaders from different walks of life have converged to deeply reflect on issues of Inter Party relationship, good governance, democracy and to build a common platform needed for harmony and the actualization of our National goals and objectives. 2.As destiny had it, my Administration and I had the singular honour of playing a crucial role in the 1999 political transition in Nigeria in spite of the enormous challenges that faced us at that time. The situation in the country right now reminds me of the enormous challenges we faced in the late nineties when thepolitical atmosphere was charged. Challenges then arose from the difficult political history that lingered from the aborted and truncated transition of the early 90’s. Internal forces that threatened the existence of the state also played a significant role to create that atmosphere of instability and insecurity. 3.Despite these challenges, we were able to successfully implement the transition program that gave birth to Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. It is pertinent to mention here the role played by Nigerians, political parties and indeed the entire political class in the success of that transition. There was indeed inter-party collaboration and consensus defined by the tactical concessions made by the political parties on the understanding that the strategic objective was the enthronement of democracy and preservation of the Nigerian state. 4.The Nigerian Military remains a great patriotic institution in spite of its political interventions, as history has already shown the decisive efforts and sacrifices the military has made in the past to defend and preserve the corporate existence and sovereignty of the Nigerian Nation. However, this era of intervention has gone out of fashion, and the world has moved on beyond that mindset. Indeed, the armed forces are now totally subordinate to civil democratic authority. 5.Undoubtedly, one of the greatest challenges facing our democratic experiment today is largely that of mutual suspicion, especially among politicians across different political parties. The political atmosphere is once more charged. The recent elections at State and Local Government levels have been bedeviled with violence, mutual suspicion, litigation and outright abuse of the electoral system. These elections are a test of what will happen in the general elections of 2015 ifyou the political class don’t get together and learn to be good winners andloosers. Some political actors feel it is a taboo to be defeated in elections so elections become a do-or-die affair. 6.The effect of this unhealthy rivalry in the polity, in a nation that is currently facing serious security challenges is that there is a gradual decline into anarchy in some parts of the country. The role of opposition in governance in a democratic system such as ours is to help check the excesses of the Government. But when issues of security confront the nation, all hands must be on deck. The blame game must be put aside. The Government must work with all parties to formulate a common platform for addressing the challenges facing us. Without necessarily issuing a gag order, political parties should caution their members particularly their so called spokesmen to be more sensitive to national security in their comments. Where they attempt to overheat the polity, the leadership must publicly call them to order. 7.The threat to Nigerian democracy I believe is not coming from the military, but rather from the political class in the form of politics of bitterness, rancor, political violence, less than credible elections, and unsavory utterances and conduct by political parties amongst others. Some of these acts and conducts, obviously and without doubt, have very serious implications on the country’s social cohesion, political stability and national security. 8.The role of past and present rulers and party leadership is worrisome. They deny the political parties the practice of internal democracy in choosing their popular qualified candidate for various elective offices. They believe in selection and imposition rather than elections. They also meddle into the running of other party’s affairs and destroy their cohesion, thereby denying Nigerians the choice of their preferred party leaders at all levels. Thus denying the votes to count in any election. 9.Ladies and Gentlemen, we are all witnesses to the declining political ideology that has characterized our brand of democracy, where our political actors have not entrenched ideology in politics; they tend to treat serious issues with levity. Regrettably, nobody has been held responsible for any policy failure due to disregard for rule of law. Therefore, we should device means to hold political parties responsible for the actions or in-actions of those who climbed their ladders to political offices. As to their funding, political parties must seek independence and assist themselves to uphold the tenets of party supremacy. As at now, parties are funded by either individuals or Government at all levels and as we know he who pays the piper, dictates the tune. The political beneficiaries must also look beyond material gains and work together for the progress of this country. I am very happy that the key leaders of our various political parties are here. 10.This summit is thus coming at a critical moment in Nigeria’s democratization process to offer the opportunity for strengthening democratic instruments and consolidating democratic institutions; promoting inclusive growth, reducing poverty, creating jobs, fighting terror and working towards peaceful, successful and credible elections in 2015. It also offers the environment for sober reflection, stocktaking and evaluation of how the political class has performed in the recent past, given the present circumstances of our time. I therefore consider this interactive session timely and fitting that today we are discussing the role of politics in our nationhood. 11.A great burden lies on the shoulders of the political class to defend the country’s democracy irrespective of party affiliations, ideological differences, and ethnic and religious diversity. If parties collaborate with each other and commit to the maintenance of decorum, demonstration of political maturity and patriotism, the tense political atmosphere in the country will be greatly lightened, and the seeming drift towards uncertainty and anarchy will surely be halted. There can be no excuses if we fail. 12.The world over, policies and decisions constitute a crucial part of political leadership. Usually when the majority of a population refuses to accept certain policies as binding, this would move committed leaders to make changes in the various parts of the system: the content of the policies, the ruling personnel, the governing structures, or even the society over which the policies have jurisdiction. This is a democratic process that Nigeria should strive to adopt for much needed survival and enduring legacies. Our democratic practices must eschew bitterness, rancor which I mentioned earlier and there should be no room for arbitrariness, but planned engagement by all stakeholders within the confines of party’s manifestos and ideology. 13.We should entrench inter and intra party engagement on policies and national development aspirations for those in power and those seeking power for the good of our citizens. Hence, our collective aspiration for evolving a sound democratic culture is that we must not fail, as leadership commitment is essential to the survival and progress of Nigeria. The people have an important role to play too. But the people’s commitment would be difficult to secure if the leaders who are calling on them to sacrifice do not themselves make sacrifices for the people to see and emulate. 14.Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, at the expense of repetition, allow me to briefly touch on the current situation we as a nation find ourselves. We are now 100 years old after amalgamation and right now are bedeviled with the daunting complex of hydra-headed security challenges facing our dear country. This should give us a cause for concern. The distasteful stories of how our brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren are daily abducted, slaughtered, bombed and gruesomely killed by insurgents across different parts of thecountry especially in the north-east and north-central regions are indeed worrisome. 15.Let us always remember that it is in our interest for the country to be peaceful and to prosper. A peaceful environment is the most fundamental pre-requisite for the progress and development of any society or nation. Without peace we cannot play politics, so let us not play politics with security or insecurity. 16.I therefore charge Nigerian politicians, political parties and all political stakeholders to seize this moment and this opportunity for a new beginning by recommitting themselves and their numerous supporters and followers across the nation to positive partnerships and inter-party collaboration, the spirit of nationalism and national unity, common brotherhood; and to bring to the front burner of politics our shared history, experiences and values. We should know that both the party in power and those in opposition have the sacred duty of upholding the Nigerian constitution and the delivery of service to our people. 17.I wish all the participants fruitful and patriotic deliberations, and urge the organizers to ensure that effective institutional and organic mechanisms are put in place to implement decisions that will be collectively reached here today for the benefit of our great country Nigeria. Please let us remember that we are the hope of the black race. Let us not fail them. 18.I thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 07:35:14 +0000

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