ORIENTATION # 1001 : I LOVE YOU, THEREFORE I TURN YOU INTO MY OPINION, NO LONGER A FACT, NO LONGER A PERSON, NO LONGER A MIND ! ________________________________________________________ Now, an opinion about fact is not the fact, especially when such opinion is the result of comparison with facts similar to the fact under examination.. Take logic for example, which is so often discriminated.. We say : emotions have no logic, nor perceptiveness has logic.. But this opinion, so often, contains the absence of the opinion of the opinion which is: are we sure ?, are we so sure that emotions carry no logic ? And perception as well ? And all sensation in general ? can perceptiveness, which is supposed to be instantaneous intelligence, be absolutely logical, emotionally logic, perceptually logic, instinctually logic, intellectually and mnemonic logic ? .. Usually, at the light of those questions, a certain magnitude of discomfort, even irritation, arises within the mind of the interrogated... Why ? The interrogated has an opinion, or many all combined, which, obviously its not instantaneous, it cannot possibly be so .. due to the very nature of the psychological matter an opinion is all about which is what the mind is dragging from the past, from the mnemonic database.. We indeed have an opinion in regard of perception, just like we have an opinion in regard of the mind, thinking, the so called consciousness, the emotions, the imagination.. the intelligence (are we intelligent or do we just have an opinion that suggests us that maybe we are intelligent ?) .. We have an opinion related to all movements, aspects, tendencies and territories of the psyche.. including fear, instability, ups and downs, deliriums, anxiety, acquisitive ambitions, introspectiveness and what we call love, compassion and so on.. All of these things are opinion in regard of this or that psychological factuality, and we believe and accept it as factuality.. so we say: thats love, thats compassion, thats sentiment, I love you.. but those are not facts, just opinions.. He who says I love you says an opinion piloted to describe a sensation.. but the described is not the description.. : the opinion of the sensation, which is not fact, is always above and all around the fact .. which is the what it is aka: reality.. One wonders if we are not so lazy to realize how these opinions actually fluctuate so much from country to country, from culture to culture.. I love you, which is opinion not fact, somewhere means : ..I love you: thats way I want to see you with a burqa.. somewhere else means: I love you, tomorrow we will see .. and so on.. Whats not present, and thats self evident is the opinion of the opinion.. the why do we developed, and why do we cling to this and that opinion ? We all have opinions.. but opinion grows from memories, conditionings, the accumulation of the past.. and not from the fact in itself.. Can the mind observe the fact, the psychological fact (not the technical one, which requires, obviously the past), I mean; sensation, depression, noises in the mind, pulsations, desires, sentiments and so on... with no opinions at all ? If the mind becomes able to do so, then such mind realizes how decadent and separative this opinion through which one says I love you is.. He who says I love you is, indeed, not expressing nor observing its sensation, he or shes merely applying the opinion of it.. and thats reductive, interchangeable, pretty miserable, superficial.. Its like this: Opinion: I love you so much Fact : Im going to turn you into an opinion projected by my self-conditioning memory, then, when I completely incorporated such opinion, you are , to me, subconsciously perhaps, no longer a person, no longer a mind, no longer freedom.. just an idea with a physical container.. Think about these things .. ________________________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:53:02 +0000

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