ORIENTATION # 1056 : WE ALL ARE SECOND-HAND PEOPLE _________________________________________________ From a private conversation _________________________________________________ Have you ever wondered what is the function of education ? The function of education, (one wonders), should be that process of understanding capable to bring about a life, a psychological and then social life, lived rightly ! .. Wait, wait: this does not mean a life lived by following the right way, not at all: the so called right way, or positive way, or whatever you will & wish to call it.. is a perversion, a distortion cause it oscillates according of the culture in which the concept of right thing takes place.. so here is something, there is something completely different .. isnt it so ? So, I repeat: the function of education should be that process of learning & understanding capable to bring about a life, a psychological and then social life, lived rightly.. So: are we living a right life ? Look at the world, from your neighbors, to the people around, from what you can see in your society, the , injustice, the suffering, the mess, the confusion, the illusion of the world and so on.. Please ask to yourself.. not to the teacher.. are we living rightly ? Observe, do not repeat the words of the parents or the teachers just to please them ! Think individually: Think about these things: are we living a right life ? ...striving to get this and that, a family as a value, a big car and career as forms of respectability, .. a god to pray so to feel safe.. a spiritual path whatsoever.. and our daily dose of confusion, stress, anxiety, competition, anger, getting upset, comparison.. or merely all the useless actions we accomplish everyday.. the shopping, the gossiping, the nationalism, the eventual racist thoughts and so on.. up to the imbecilities present all over the human world.. Think: we have been educated.. right ? which technically means learning, knowing and understanding.. so: at the light of our usual ways to live our lives.. the confusion, the stress, the anxiety and so on.. is this, this petty life we are living, what we have been educated for ? Is this confused life we are living.. striving for alternatives like eels with very little water.. what the very meaning of living rightly was all about ? Is it fear what has been carburizing education ? The way through which we all have been educated has been, by its very nature, merely an insult to education itself.. cause what we have adopted is the greed of separation, of acquisitive ambitions, of competition and comparison.. we have been educated to reproduce things invented by others.. ideas, ideals, religions, spirituality in all of its fragments.. we are all second hand people ! To live rightly is to eradicate, to dismantle.. to disintegrate conditionings, psychological fear, the curse inherent in the need of illusory psychological security.. and this is what should be the very purpose of education, as well the meaning of living rightly.. As long as there is fear and confusion, so long there is no understanding at all.. There may be knowledge, power, culture, success, minds very well educated, but there will be always belief, faiths, illusions, delusions, deceptions, and man will always walk on the mined field of self-corruption.. To be more precise: there cant possibly be education where there is not self-education.. because the mind becomes a second-hand psyche, the result of imitation.. and this happens in every field with no exclusion .. no matter if such field is political, spiritual, academic, ideological, religious and so .. Look at yourself, you that consider yourself a so called conscious or spiritual person: are you free of conditionings ? Are you thinking through your own absolute psychological new and your private thinking ? Or are you merely repeating this and that and what you acquired .. ruminating fashionable of bombastic words and definitions such as my vibrational level, my inner child, my higher self and all of these nonsenses.. ? You see: you are not thinking : you are reproducing .. you are a second-hand mind.. no matter how spiritually vibrating you feel (whatever it means).. Please, do not take offense.. we are here to think.. and the shake the mind.. So can we go on now ? With the inquiry, the investigation inherent in what education is all about ? Lets proceed... _______________________________________________ endoffear.weebly eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 08:57:38 +0000

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